Sudden Odd & Out of Character Labrador Behaviour

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by KazMum, Jul 16, 2019.

  1. KazMum

    KazMum Registered Users

    Jan 19, 2018
    Newmarket, Suffolk
    Hi all, A bit of an odd one this. Whilst out walking my chocolate lab, 19 months old, and who is super laid back as a rule, would not hurt a fly, we met up with another dog walker. The dogs had met before and get on really well and today was as good. Towards the end of the walk, we met another dog walker, who my dog also gets on really well with and they have a play when together. Today for some reason, and totally shook me, my lab went for the second dog when it approached. So totally out of character and towards a dog that he is usually super friendly with. I have no idea what has caused this. The owner was super sweet about it but I felt mortified. We parted ways and myself, the first dog and my lab met some other walkers and dogs and my dog was as good as gold, no issues at all. So I am super confused now. Why would he suddenly go for a dog that he usually loves to play with when we meet on walks. I am really quite shaken and worried about bumping into this owner and dog again in the future. Thanks for any help and advice.
  2. Henry77

    Henry77 Registered Users

    Oct 9, 2018
    Long Island, New York
    When you say “go for,” what do you mean?
  3. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    We had issues in the past between neutered and intact males. Before Toby was neutered at 13 months a lot of male dogs used to go for him. That has now stopped completely. Maybe yours has been and that dog hadn’t and he suddenly felt threatened by it? Only once did Toby retaliate,but at the time I felt dreadful and thought I had a vicious dog!
  4. KazMum

    KazMum Registered Users

    Jan 19, 2018
    Newmarket, Suffolk
    My dog actually pinned the smaller dog to the floor, I was mortified. He did not bite him fortunately, but there was some growling.
  5. KazMum

    KazMum Registered Users

    Jan 19, 2018
    Newmarket, Suffolk
    Both dogs, mine and the poor one my dog 'went for' are intact. Mine has been in contact with and is friends with lots of other dogs, neutered and intact ones, and this has never happend before. I think I am more concerned as this is a dog that my dog is usually really happy to see and play with when they meet. Why the sudden and instant dislike ... so strange.

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