Suddenly afraid of visitors

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Newlabpup, Nov 15, 2015.

  1. Newlabpup

    Newlabpup Registered Users

    Sep 9, 2015
    Otis who is just about 5 months old has all of a sudden become terrified of new people. It's really disappointing because I thought we did a great job socializing him as a young puppy. Tonight we had a few members of our family over to watch a game. My brother in law and his girlfriend and my father in law. Anyway, here's how it went....

    Father in law arrived, greeted Otis who was happy to see him- went into the bathroom to change his clothes. Next, brother in law and gf arrive and Otis growls and barks at them like crazy, won't even accept treats from them. Father in law comes out of the bathroom and Otis growls at him and runs away and hides behind a chair (even though he had just greeted him nicely). We spent so much time trying to socialize him properly so I'm so upset and disappointed!! This is coming ~2 weeks after growling at our neighbors nonstop.... Which he also did today. For the remainder of time that they were over he sat on my lap, not sleeping, and watching them which is very very strange. I did give him treats continuously for looking at them and not reacting.
  2. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Hi there, don't panic, this happens sometimes. Poppy was very nervous of new people coming into the house for quite a while, and sometimes used to bark and growl at strangers outside, too.

    I really encouraged people coming into the house simply not to look at her or interact with her at all, until she was ready for it. This depended on who the person was - some people she would accept immediately, others would send her into a frenzy of barking and backing up. Especially people bending down, looking into her eyes and trying to pat her head made her very nervous.

    Have you got a safe place for Otis, a crate or a separate room, where he could go until he is reassured that the visitors mean no harm? I think rather than stressing him any further by encouraging him to interact with your visitors, it is better to give him a bit of time so that he can see you are happy and relaxed and that there is nothing to fear. Let him make the first moves, once he is relaxed.

    I was just thinking about this on Saturday, as we had workmen trekking through the house the whole day, and Poppy just lay in her bed and ignored them. Similarly, at Halloween I thought the children at the door dressed up as ghouls, witches and zombies would send her off into a frenzy of woofing - but she has completely got over all that. So don't despair, just stay calm and matter of fact, and reward good behaviour. Above all, try not to show him you are upset and/or disappointed, our labs are very sensitive and that will make him more nervous. Don't worry. You'll get there.
  3. Newlabpup

    Newlabpup Registered Users

    Sep 9, 2015
    Thank you. I do have somewhere for him to go but last night when this happened he wanted to be right next to me the entire time. He did end up letting them all pet him and rub his belly, giving attention a little bit but he followed me around the entire night and wouldnt go near any of them on his own.

    I guess the reason I'm so upset about it is that it's a brand new behavior at almost 5 months! He has always been such a people person and wanted everyone's attention in public and whoever came in the house. My father in law comes here often, he was even here the night before this happened! And never a reaction like this. I'm trying to stay calm but it has me so worried!
  4. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    I think it's really good that he allowed them to rub his belly - that is very trusting behaviour. So what you are doing is working well.

    Don't worry about the 5 month change in behaviour - this is very normal and a new phase. The dog is becoming more independent (despite appearances!) and is starting to react to things and test the water, finding out for himself what is safe and hat is not. Stay calm, don't react yourself and all will settle.

    (Then he'll find something new to react to ;) but all these will pass quickly too as he heads for adulthood)

    Twiglet's "eeeeek, what's that????" for today was my husband's hat hanging on a door handle :) Sh'e six months old tomorrow.
  5. Snowshoe

    Snowshoe Registered Users

    Sep 5, 2015
    Ontario, Canada
    Google up on Fear Periods. Puppies get these at times, all of a sudden they are nervous of something that was formerly very ordinary to them. The key in most cases is to remain calm and not coddle. Try to show it's nothing. Oban overnight developed a worry about the garbage cans on our street on garbage day. The same ones he'd been passing for a couple of weeks without noticing them at all. I did a song and dance routine in the street to distract and reassure at the same time. I actually sang the song from Mary Poppins. It worked, after all, if there really was something to be afraid of would Mum be singing and dancing? Nope. :) Hope none of the neighbours saw me.
  6. Anne123

    Anne123 Registered Users

    Feb 27, 2014
    The Netherlands
    @ snowshoe. I would have loved to see you....
  7. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    I was really hoping that was a video of you!!
  8. Newlabpup

    Newlabpup Registered Users

    Sep 9, 2015
    Thanks everyone! I'm just so nervous that my very social and friendly puppy is becoming a fearful aggressive dog. I did read a bit about fear periods last night, so hopefully this is just that. I will certainly be having high value treats at the ready for strangers and visitors. I'm taking him to my mothers with me tonight for dinner (he goes there pretty often)... So hopefully he does well and last nights behavior doesn't transfer over.
  9. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Good advice given here , so good luck , try to stay relaxed as they do pick up on our anxieties too , hope all goes well .
  10. Pilatelover

    Pilatelover Registered Users

    Jan 20, 2015
    @newlabpuppy my 11 month old girl is going through a similar phase to Otis. Like you I was so upset she has been extremely well socialised. It depends what Mabel is frightened of at that particular moment for example the other day it was a tree stump in the field which she has seen loads of times. I just walked in front of her as she did her fear barking, went up to it and touched it she trotted up to me, took a look I treated her and on the way back she didn't give it a second look.
    I also sing, I'm useless at singing I make songs up along the lines of "oh my what a clever brave girl Mabel is, what's mummy doing singing in the street again". Then we have a chorus of "Mabel and mummy on a big adventure". It is working, also I'm a Labrador owner I left my dignity at the door a while ago.

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