Tears in puppy class

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by jennyann, Oct 12, 2013.

  1. jennyann

    jennyann Registered Users

    Apr 4, 2013
    One step forward two steps back....feels that way!

    Puppy class today was a disaster. The class had started by the time I even got through the door as I refused to be dragged through by a dog on two legs. My arms were aching and I was out of breath before we'd even started. Then once in the hooligan antics began. Lurching, leaping, flinging and bouncing like a gazelle. I tried everything to get her attention. The teacher took her from me and demonstrated (perfectly) how to do it - Rosie trotted by her side very attentively looking at her AND she didn't even have food she had a toy mouse thing. I was armed with sausage and cheese to no avail.

    She wasn't being horrible and just trying to help but the tears erupted in my eyes and the demoralisation set in and I felt like I am getting nowhere fast despite the hours of 'good girl' and treats I put on. The teacher said the reason I couldn't control her was she was picking up on the fact I was feeling stressed. Probably true but I was stressed, I AM stressed! It's the dog who is making me stressed!!! I'm at the six and a half month exhaustion/demoralisation stage. I can't be chippy choppy happy 100% of the time and today was it.

    Just over four months till baby born.
    Bump getting bigger everyday.
    How I'll manage with bigger bump and then newborn I don't know.
    She's no bother at home - just other dogs and to a lesser extent people when out on a walk. Otherwise her walking isn't bad at all.

    Help!!! Drowning.....!
  2. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Tears in puppy class

    Oh no - that all sounds rubbish, you poor thing. Hugs and licks to you - it's so horrible when it all goes wrong.

    I hate the way some teachers do that with your dog and it can make you feel just rubbish! I honestly think yes, they are more experienced and doing it right, but they are also new and interesting and one of the things the distracted dog wanted to get to, so have an immediate advantage in getting the dog's attention!

    Hope you have a nice evening planned - something relaxing, and hopefully cheer you up, with Rosie in her crate with a chew if necessary!
  3. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Tears in puppy class

    It does get you really down-hearted when that happens. :( :(
    You look at all the other dogs and think why me? what am I doing wrong?
    Our trainer says you must make yourself the most interesting thing in your dogs life........can't say I find that easy, and if you are feeling a bit knackered given that you are pregnant, doubly difficult.
    Chin up :)
    Go and de-stress - lock her up for a bit as Julie says if that helps you unwind.
    It gets better but having a good moan helps, so fire away, we are hear to listen ;)
  4. jennyann

    jennyann Registered Users

    Apr 4, 2013
    Re: Tears in puppy class

    Thanks Julie,

    I could cry now because you're being so nice to me!
    She's like a different dog at home - mature and well mannered.
    No bother at all. Jekyll and Hyde.
    I was looking with envy at all the other manageable breeds and thinking why did I choose a lab again???? The chihuahua looked particularly tempting.

  5. jennyann

    jennyann Registered Users

    Apr 4, 2013
    Re: Tears in puppy class

    Thank you drjs,
    More sniffles....!

    Think nice relaxing bath in order.
    Tomorrow is another day....

    It's so true what you say about staying interesting - day in day out, hour after hour.
    It's a big task to keep it going.

    Rosie is lying asleep oblivious....
  6. jackie luff

    jackie luff Registered Users

    Sep 22, 2013
    Re: Tears in puppy class

    My word I so know how you feel. When my GSD was a pup I can't tell you the times she reduced me to tears in training class..... absolute nightmare. Persevere it does pay off in the end. Holly was the most obedient lovely girl (when she hit 2)... Am dreading going through this with Layla but I guess it comes with territory of owning a puppy. You will be fine and your puppy will be too.... don't give up xoxox
  7. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Tears in puppy class

    [quote author=jennyann link=topic=2858.msg29592#msg29592 date=1381593377]
    The chihuahua looked particularly tempting.


    ;D ;D ;D Nah, you might as well have a hamster!

    chihuahua by JulieTandCharlie, on Flickr
  8. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Tears in puppy class

    Ah Jennyann I'm feeling for you........try not to look too far forward ......I can't tell you much but I can promise you that if you persevere Rosie will be much better behaved by the time the baby is born.shes not being naughty she's just excited and stimulated by everything around her and they are sensitive to how you are feeling so the trainer is probably right......but also,don't forget,she is a dog trainer and will have a lot of experience so she should be able to handle Rosie ,you should be more worried of she couldn't ;D
    I had a cry in my first round of obedience classes...it was the day dexter had climbed through from the boot onto my lap while I was on a 7 lane motorway .....not clever,I was dripping in sweat and shaking when I finally got there and all he wanted to do was dive after everybody else's treats :( we disrupted the class because we were late and then he did a big poo in the middle of the room :eek: causing further disruption....I was in bits!
    Take Rosie out of the picture,do you like the class and the trainer?if rosie wasn't causing you such a big flummox do you think it will provide what you need?how big is the class?is there anybody that can go with you that could help if you are getting a bit strung out in the lesson?that might help?
    Don't give up,I don't have a lot of experience because Dexter is our first dog but honestly if you keep practising it does work.....
    I'm sorry you have felt so upset,just don't panic,take it a day at a time and a class at a time,forget about this class when you go next week and start again.some one else's dog will me playing g up next week I'm sure xxxx
  9. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Tears in puppy class

    Now I hope Julie has made you laugh Jennyann xxxx
  10. jennyann

    jennyann Registered Users

    Apr 4, 2013
    Re: Tears in puppy class

    Ha ha, funny pic Julie...what a v ugly pooch!
    A hamster now there's an idea!

    The pic made me sniffle laugh....!
  11. jennyann

    jennyann Registered Users

    Apr 4, 2013
    Re: Tears in puppy class

    Thank you Dexter.
    Your post made me laugh too - I think if Rosie had done a big poo in the middle well that would have been the icing on the cake...!

    There are 8 in the class, they're well run. I think the trainer is so doggy focussed I think she perhaps neglects keeping the owners morale going. But I was being sensitive today just because of how I was feeling. I enjoyed it last week and Rosie did much better. Viscous circle isn't it. I think I just needed her to recognise I wasn't a dog training machine devoid of feelings!

    It's hard going. This forum and the wonderful support and advice are amazing.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to comment xxx
  12. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Tears in puppy class

    Oh you poor soul , I have been there ( not in a class but out and about ) with Sam when he was younger, seen the disaproving looks and tut-tuts , ignore it please , its not worth stressing over :)
    I am a firm believer that dogs pick up on our moods/anxieties and act accordingly ( meaning naughty ) ::)No doubt you were already anxious when you arrived at class and Rosie sensed it so the main thing os to try and relax a little , I know its not easy . Put this session behind you, whats gone has gone, tomorrow starts afresh x
  13. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Tears in puppy class

    I'm so sorry you are feeling so down and I truly know how that feels with my Charlie, but just as everyone has said draw a line under today. Being pregnant and trying to train a Labrador is tough and I commend you for that, is there anyone that can support you and maybe go to classes with you? You really need to look after yourself, a lively Labrador can easily pull you over :( Please take care you will get there and probably quicker than I have ::) Helen xx :)
  14. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Tears in puppy class

    Oh it's like you were describing me at 6 1/2 months pregnant :D

    I promise it gets better. You just need to try and recognise when you don't have the energy (emotional or physical) and leave it for the day. I bailed out of several classes during my pregnancy and Riley spent quite a bit of time on lead for the last few months and after lizzie arrived - whenever I didn't have the energy to keep an eye on him. It slowed our progress down but we didn't really suffer for it over all.

    And at the end of the day you can just burst in tears and cry 'I am pregnant you know!' and no one will mind at all. They certainly didn't mind when I did ::)
  15. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Tears in puppy class

    [quote author=bbrown link=topic=2858.msg29616#msg29616 date=1381601402]
    you can just burst in tears and cry 'I am pregnant you know!' and no one will mind at all.

    I burst into tears and cried "I do have a labrador puppy you know" and got loads of sympathy, even without the pregnant bit! ;D ;D ;D
  16. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Tears in puppy class

    Good work Julie ;D ;D
  17. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Tears in puppy class

    Nice one Julie, I never thought of that ;D H x
  18. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Tears in puppy class

    re. the instructor...
    [quote author=JulieT link=topic=2858.msg29590#msg29590 date=1381592913]
    they are also new and interesting and one of the things the distracted dog wanted to get to, so have an immediate advantage in getting the dog's attention!

    [quote author=JulieT link=topic=2858.msg29630#msg29630 date=1381602942]
    [quote author=bbrown link=topic=2858.msg29616#msg29616 date=1381601402]
    you can just burst in tears and cry 'I am pregnant you know!' and no one will mind at all.
    I burst into tears and cried "I do have a labrador puppy you know" and got loads of sympathy, even without the pregnant bit! ;D ;D ;D

    Bahahahaah!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D Brilliant.

    Honestly, we have all had classes in which our dogs have shown us up to be the mere humans that we are ;D Every time we have a new instructor my dog's unruly behaviour (barking when bored) earns me "Well, he's got a lot to say", "We're not interested in your opinion" (directed at the dog....I think), "You would lose points for that in a trial" and then "Would you please get your dog to quieten down?". Crawling away usually seems like an attractive option at that point.... :)

    My first dog was so easy to train - he was quiet and obedient at all times in class. Other dogs were bouncing around like circus seals on pogo sticks. I thought that the difference was that I was such an awesome trainer. My current dog, Obi, quickly relieved me of that illusion ;D ;D ;D
  19. NorfolkHomemadeMum

    NorfolkHomemadeMum Registered Users

    Jun 23, 2013
    Re: Tears in puppy class

    I'm not pregnant - but you could be describing myself & Beulah - she is like that with every person who isn't in our family & every dog. I must admit that the honeymoon period seems to have come to an end, as much as I hate to admit it - she is 6 mths now & we haven't really encountered any "problems". she has calmed down around the kids now (they are very exciting!), house training was great (touch wood), her temperament is amazing (fingers crossed) & we seem to have have cracked socialisation quite well. However it has got to the stage where I dread every walk - everytime she pulls I stop, & she will now come to heel when I point to the floor on my left handside, I click, treat & then after a few steps she lunges off again - it's so frustrating!

    I made the mistake of buying trendy wellies & found out on Sunday that they don't have any grip on the bottom. Yes my 6 mth old puppy dragged me down a muddy hill & I slid along behind her!
  20. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Tears in puppy class

    NHM Beulah sounds like she's doing brilliantly for 6 months :D

    I'm not a clicker trainer but I had a similar experience with Riley I told him good boy when he assumed the correct position at my side and off he'd go again. I think he was treating my good boy like a release command and he thought he'd done what I wanted. So I started taking a step before I said good boy and then two, three etc I'm sure you get the picture :) this improved his heel walking no end!

    Also I worked on his heel work off lead whenever possible, changing direction and speed so it was a big game and he had to keep up with me for his rewards.

    Good luck, you'll get there and I think you're doing the right thing refusing to move until she's by your side.

    And don't talk to me about boots! Still can't find the perfect pair!!!!

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