Teenage Tearaway!!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by A.Causer, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. A.Causer

    A.Causer Registered Users

    Jun 11, 2014
    So Amber has been a terrible biter from a young age but a very quick learner for other things. At the 5-7 month stage it was quite pleasant, no drawing blood and no barking/crying. Always been great for recall and out on walks. She's now 8 months and very much a teenager. She now bites at me when I'm sat on the sofa, I think it's attention seeking but it's difficult to ignore her. It's also v difficult to distract or calm her down. On walks she's started pulling really badly. I have a halti but whilst it does help I'd prefer a training solution. She's very distracted on walks now, first season not helping so hoping after she's done with season that training to walk nicely will be an easier process. She also barks a lot in the house at people in the street outside or just at seemingly nothing. Anyone got any tips or advice to help return our naughty teenager to the laid back, quick learner she once was? Or is it just a waiting game? Thanks.
  2. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Teenage Tearaway!!

    Being in Season can make them go a bit loopy out and about on lead walks, especially if they are used to having lots of off lead time usually.
    With the biting I would say 'No' in a firm voice and put her in time out. You do need to be consistent with this.
    As for the barking - having you taught a 'quiet' cue? Harley hates our hoover and used to bark at it constantly - I got fed up with this so taught the 'quiet' cue by saying quiet and the second she stopped I said good quiet and rewarded her. Whenever the hoover comes out now she comes over to get a treat and stays quiet after a quick reminder.
    Hope some of this helps :)
  3. A.Causer

    A.Causer Registered Users

    Jun 11, 2014
    Re: Teenage Tearaway!!

    Thanks for your reply. I've been thinking a quiet and possibly a speak cue might help with barking but have been trying not to teach her now while she's so distracted as I think it'd be very unrewarding. Think season is coming to an end so we can get back to training a bit each day. Exercise wise she has suffered a bit as she's used to being off lead most days and has barely been out for 2 weeks as we live in a very doggy area and I know of many entire males within our walk areas. Was thinking about breeding as she's got a great pedigree but spaying is looking more appealing at the moment. Not that her season has been too hard just that I'd rather have her out and about. Biting wise I say no, hold her mouth or leave the room and give her 30 seconds to calm down. She's quite tenacious so sometimes the more I try to stop her the more she tries so maybe I need to skip straight to leaving the room. Just need to get the OH to be as strict as me. Thanks for your advice. At least when she was smaller she was easier to restrain!! Haha.
  4. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Teenage Tearaway!!

    I bet she can't wait u til she can run free again :) Harley was on season for over 3 weeks, then we had to wait another 2 weeks until she was safe to go off lead......it is really hard work. My neighbour has an entire lab who used to play with Harley daily - we had to put a 6ft fence and gate up to make sure nothing happened.
    As for the biting, I would walk away immediately. If you put your hands on her, she will think you are still trying to play.
    Good luck with the quiet command - it took me a while for it to work - even now we have off periods where she ignores me and carries on barking, but it is much, much less :)

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