
Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Sven, Jul 6, 2016.

  1. Sven

    Sven Registered Users

    May 23, 2016

    Being new at all of this, we went to the first class yesterday (without the little one). A couple of items the training mentioned confused us, and hopefully someone can assist with clarifying. She had one of her three dogs there to show us a couple of items.

    Using a clicker, trainer mentioned that they are all different (sound) and that she has three clicker one for each of her dogs (she has three). They gave out a clicker at training, and when we got home we had to see if they make a different sound. We now have 2 of the same manufacturer, and we had to try to see if Vanilla would only respond to the one we have been using. She responded to both. So my question is, does it make a difference?

    She was also giving a command (verbal), then clicking then giving a treat. My understanding from reading all Pippa's books and from the website, is we click treat for the desired response. Once we are happy we then replace the click with a verbal command and treat. Have I got this wrong?

    Other item was that she used a finger with a treat to get eye contact. Once she got that she would treat. We never did this as from the moment we got our little one we called her by the name. Every time we call she will come and look at us, or if she is already there she will just look if we say her name. she then gets a treat and nice cuddle.

    My concern is that we will end up with the wrong thing, or that we start to muddle the waters.
    Can anyone advise/comment on the above from their own experience?

    Next week the plan is to walk on loose lead. My concern is if her training is very different to the way we have been using ie: what is on the website and books we will spoil her good work so far. As currently she is managing to walk loosely (ish) for a couple of steps then a treat and so forth.

    Sorry should say Vanilla is 15 weeks now.

    Thanks for your help.

  2. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    I'm sure if you had three dogs and used clickers with different sounds you could get a dog to respond only to the sound of a certain clicker. My dog will respond to the sound of any clicker, but he doesn't get confused if the click is made by another handler for another dog - because he is used to being around other dogs and handlers using clickers. He does get confused if I am using a clicker with another dog though. If you only have one dog, I don't think it matters.

    You start to give a cue (not a command) in advance of the behaviour happening when you know it is definitely going to happen. So you get the dog to reliably repeat a behaviour using the clicker until you are sure that the behaviour is reliable and fluent, then you start giving the cue just before the dog does the behaviour, almost as they do it at first. This might have been what the trainer was doing. Or, she was demonstrating with a dog that already had a behaviour on cue?

    There isn't anything wrong with using a treat at first to prompt eye contact, so long as you don't keep doing it. I don't use my dog's name to prompt eye contact, because I want that to be a default behaviour when he wants something.
  3. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    I can use any sound clicker with my dogs and they will respond. @JulieT has given a very helpful answer. In the beginning it all seems so confusing, but I promise all will become clear. When it is so difficult for us, imagine what it is like for a dog to learn and they don't speak English!
  4. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    just to clarify - you're not going to be replacing the click with a cue. The click simply tells the dog the exact moment he is offering the behaviour you're looking for. The cue will eventually come before the response & hence the click.
    My dog also responds to any clicker. I haven't worked with a clicker with other people clicking around, but I think your dog will know your click is for her & no-one elses click because she will be focused on YOU.

    Once you get started it will become clear, and clicker training is great fun for dog & handler. I find it a really fast way for Coco to learn new stuff.
  5. Sven

    Sven Registered Users

    May 23, 2016
    Thanks for the reply might be my interpretation
    Maybe I misunderstood, as I thought you replace the clicker with your cue and reward once you get the behaviour. This is what we are doing for Sit for example, ie: ask for a Sit then reward her but no clicker. So should I also be using the clicker when she sits?
    Trainers explanation was that she gives the cue and always clicks and rewards. I will check at next weeks class.
  6. heidrun

    heidrun Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Feb 10, 2012
    The click from the clicker is a marker, not a cue for a behaviour. It simply marks the behaviour you are rewarding. So good timing is essential. You click the moment the behaviour is happening which you are then rewarding with a treat. Not a moment before or after, but the exact moment it is happening.
  7. Sven

    Sven Registered Users

    May 23, 2016
    Thanks I get that.
    Does that then mean that if I take the Sit option, we say the word Sit, once her bottom hits the ground we C&T forever? I thought the click would disappear once they understand.
    Otherwise I will be carrying the Clicker around forever (new surroundings I can understand) but does not make sense to me if she does it in a know location.
    Like I said maybe it is my interpretation.
  8. heidrun

    heidrun Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Feb 10, 2012
    No, not forever. But I wouldn't be in a rush to phase it out. There are loads of videos on youtube on clicker training. It is a concept of training rather than training with a clicker, if that makes sense. Some of my dogs are fully trained gundogs but I still use a clicker or a maker word frequently to maintain their standard of training.
  9. Sven

    Sven Registered Users

    May 23, 2016
    Cool thanks that makes sense now. We still use it for Sit out and about but not at home. Will re-introduce. Thanks

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