Have you ever done either of these things on a walk with your dog. Classic Trip Move - Dog spots something and stops in front of you but to one side. You continue walking whilst looking in the direction the dog is looking in. Dog steps forward. You take a mouthful of wet mud as you go down like a ton of bricks when you trip over the dog. Classic Where Has She Gone Move - Out walking daydreaming and enjoying the countryside. Suddenly realise dog is nowhere to be seen. Blow recall whistle - nothing. Blow again - still nothing. Turn around and there she is sitting neatly at your feet! Cries of "She's behind you" spring to mind. ;D
Re: Tripping Over or Losing Your Dog I'm surprised Obi doesn't have flat feet he gets stepped on so much poor thing! As for Riley we definitely do the "where has he gone" while I've got lost in a daydream, he's rarely behind me though. More likely he's daydreaming in some bush somewhere : And that is why I don't take the spaniel for walks, can you imagine what Heidrun would say if I left him to his own devices I'd be in such trouble and probably short of a spaniel !
Re: Tripping Over or Losing Your Dog Because I go out so early with Dexter,I pack our backpack and treat bag at night before we go to bed .... But I very elaborately and theatrically pack the rabbit skin dummy in just before we leave in the morning.....That means Dexter is right under my feet and I'm not surprised he doesn't have a set of front paws to match Obi... Guts me when I stand on him,usually I'm still only in my socks though so I feel him straight away so ive never made him yelp
Re: Tripping Over or Losing Your Dog OH and I were recently playing hide and seek with Mira on a woodland walk. She had gone back to look for him, I walked on a bit then hid behind a big tree and waited. And waited. Hubby eventually came along the path and wondered why I was hiding behind a tree with Mira right behind me! ;D
Re: Tripping Over or Losing Your Dog I'm forever losing Shadow when he's right behind me. The other week I was calling Willow and she wasn't even lifting an ear in my direction. I was cross because she normally has a good recall. I was about to go and get her, when I looked down and there she was, sat patiently, waiting for a treat for recalling. I had been calling the wrong black lab. Who is about twice her size. Doh.
Re: Tripping Over or Losing Your Dog Our old choccy could blend into the shadows a few feet from you and you wouldn't see her. We'd call and whistle, and she would just stay still and enjoy the show. I swear she had a sense of humour!
Re: Tripping Over or Losing Your Dog It's been really tricky walking Bella the Dalmador in the snowy woods recently, as she is so perfectly camouflaged... Sometimes she is indeed right behind us, but sometimes we really can't see her and she is getting a bit deaf now, dear old girl... So her owner has bought her a fluorescent orange collar with ltinkly little bell to help us keep track of her!
Re: Tripping Over or Losing Your Dog Yes....many averted trips. Our favorite though is walking DIRECTLY behind me, so.......look over left shoulder.....no sign.......look over right shoulder.....hmmm...no sign.......stop and turn.......ah....right.....Sorry for thinking you had hoofed off after the wild life Lilly ;D
Re: Tripping Over or Losing Your Dog I'm forever nearly tripping over Simba. It's because when we do a "leave it" a MILLION times every walk he will drop said item (mostly :) and then step in front of me to get his treat (which is in my right pocket.). Or he will dart in front of me to get some special "treat" on the ground, which could be a lump of ice, but always worth checking out, it seems.... :