Update progression

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Thunder*, Nov 30, 2018.

  1. Thunder*

    Thunder* Registered Users

    Nov 18, 2018
    After feeling overwhelmed and if anything confused with varying advise etc we progressed forward focussing on the positive and identifying his triggers. The changes made have definately had an positive impact. Thunder (13 weeks)is becoming less bitey and more mouthing unless over stimulated/getting tired. This was definately a big previous trigger and now has regular crate time for quality sleep and rest and most importantly my own commands clear.
    He is enjoying now able to explore more of the open world - our main focus is continuing getting enriched in all new environements over the next weeks luckily where we live we do have woodland/beaches/cattle fields near by etc.

    My only query today after dropping the children off and coming home and reflecting is all the village dogs playing away on the park and I kept him on the lead. He did sit and watch contently should I have braved and let him participate? We were watching from a short distance away.

    I dont want to hold him back? By myself not being brave so to speak. These early weeks being so precious.

    He did have a play with my friends 1yo cocker boy in their garden.

    He loves to meet people and eager to meet other dogs (often takes a seat and waits them to get closer) he seems relaxed and not scared. Tail wagging etc.

    Thanks for previous advise on an overwheled puppy day.
  2. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Hi @Thunder*

    If your dog sat there contently watching the other dogs, then you did the correct thing. Let the dog approach strange things and animals at his own pace. Let him build his confidence at his own pace.
  3. Thunder*

    Thunder* Registered Users

    Nov 18, 2018
    Thanks Michael. Yes he was content it was more my personal reflection after seeing my sons classmates mum let her week older cockerpoo off the lead to go join in. I came home and thought to myself would he want the same experience instead of onlooking. (As thinking like a dog is all I seem to do these days - as the dog thinks about my next thought lol)
  4. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    They are all individuals, @Thunder* . Don't compare to their dogs. Just compare your dog of today to your dog of yesterday. And don't expect linear progression.

    Ahh the thoughts. We will never know for sure what they are thinking. Watching their body language is very informative, which is something you ae doing presently.well done.
  5. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    Personally, I would never release a young puppy into a melee of other dogs. That would be like dropping your toddler off at a nightclub... !

    Interactions with other dogs should be closely supervised always but especially during puppyhood - and the specific other dogs should be chosen because you believe they will be useful for your puppy to interact with.

    It may be that one or two of those dogs would be suitable playmates, so you could be watching from a distance to identify them - and also learning which dogs to avoid, which were too rough, which were bullies etc.

    But no, I wouldn't have released him into it...
  6. Thunder*

    Thunder* Registered Users

    Nov 18, 2018
    Thank you for your reply. I am wondering if he is a bit scared of dogs? Although when opportunity is there he is eager to meet/engage. Although sitting content is it more fear based? Watching.

    He really doesn't like unfamilar dogs barking at him. We were walking to the field a dog behind a 6ft fence began to growl and bark and he sat and with my encouragement to move on (not hightening his fear and molly cuddling so to speak as dogs bark every where for whatever reason in vast range of situations etc)

    Then when in the field a dog came running round a corner barking at us and ignoring her recall although never approached us again he sat.
  7. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    It's not impossible he is a bit afraid, but it's equally possible he is just less into other dogs as a source of fun and as a reinforcer. This isn't a bad trait - it is a great one. I'm never sure why dog owners want to see their dog running about like a loon, slathering on the necks of other dogs.... The better adjusted dog is quite happy to have a sniff and move on. Far more useful, in a working dog, is a dog which is focussed on work and not more interested in chasing other dogs...

    That's very normal. You probably wouldn't like it if a stranger started to swear at you from across the street, which is the human equivalent!

    You can't reinforce fear through comforting your dog: https://www.patriciamcconnell.com/t...ou-cant-reinforce-fear-dogs-and-thunderstorms. That is one of these sad myths that seem to abound. If your dog is afraid of something, please do comfort him - you will not be 'mollycoddling' him, you will be functioning as his attachment figure in a stressful situation.

    Well, it's kind of important to try to avoid scary experiences like this - because it is normal for a dog to find that scary, and because you don't want a dog to have scary experiences during the socialisation period.

    Instead, walk in locations where you are not going to run into off leash dogs. Take avoidant action if you see another dog and change direction. Feel free to pick your puppy up if you are not sure of another dog's intentions - he will not deduce from this that he should be afraid and it is not mollycoddling him. It is removing him from the source of his fear and acting as his protector. Meanwhile, attend a good force-free puppy training class where he is going to get to meet lots of other well-socialised puppies and older dogs on a regular basis....
  8. Thunder*

    Thunder* Registered Users

    Nov 18, 2018
    Thank you for your advise. All makes sense. I think I am going to stay off google and if have a question check here first with a search and if not able to find an answer ask.

    I am seeking a class that has availability and using force free. One who has good local recommendations doesn't have enough interest at the moment for class due to start this week. Likely down to time of year and peoples finances. I am still messaging others.

    I will keep that all in mind in regards of dogs off lead. My friend has an older lab who is far more intrested in sniffing and scenting than taking interest in othere.

    Could i pick your brains on humping? He spontaneously humps not excessively but does happen.

    2 examples today..

    End of a play session he began to go for my legs humping/biting. It is sometimes hard to distract with a tug in this mode. I put this down to over stimulation from play? Goes to crate after play stimulation for rest and does sleep. I guess it finding right amount of time scale for the trigger so not massively stimulated?

    Second time we have been doing off lead time which has been successful in a secluded area. (Glad I read about this/videos here) and randomly began to hump my leg. Stimulation or calming? Put back on lead after trying to distract/redirect. He was fine back on lead.

    Sorry for picking your brains (again). Your advise has been helpful. I thought I was ready for a puppy little did I know what lay ahead regardless all research over the last couple of years. Bit like driving I guess you learn more after you have passed your test.
  9. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia

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