
Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by osca, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. osca

    osca Registered Users

    Dec 31, 2013
    we are starting to let oscar roam the whole house know; as we are building up to letting him off of his lead. As at seven months i feel we are really behind in his training. My goodness for is so over excited, typical puppy everything is new and exciting for him everything he sees he wants to chew, but small steps :). Here's hoping he won't destroy the whole house :(, looks like we'll have to walk about shadowing him ;D.
  2. ClareJ

    ClareJ Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Re: upstairs

    [quote author=osca link=topic=4095.msg48013#msg48013 date=1389972604]
    Here's hoping he won't destroy the whole house :(, looks like we'll have to walk about shadowing him ;D.

    It's amazing how quickly people learn to put the precious stuff away out of his reach. ;D ;D

    And yes, shadowing him will be wise! He has no way of differentiating between his toys and your 'toys'... Even my ten-year-old spaniel - who I don't think has ever done any destructive chewing in his life!! - does not get unsupervised access to the upstairs.
  3. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: upstairs

    A little word of caution , its really best not to let pups and youngsters go up and down stairs if possible, not too much anyway as its bad for young joints . Has Oscar been off lead outside yet on walks ? If so , that great , the younger the better , if not then I would seriously practice some recall training, use treats , you can do this indoors from room to room or in the garden . Out of walks , try and get yourself a long training line, not a flexi lead but a proper training line , best used in open spaces as they tend to wrap around trees ::) Using one of these will allow you to keep control but also to train the recall on walks, good luck :)
  4. osca

    osca Registered Users

    Dec 31, 2013
    Re: upstairs

    hi claire, yes he id definetely oging to nedd shadowing haha. With my previous dog a white german shepherd we were able to let her wonder around the whole house without worrying about her chewing things- but i guess taht just comes with time :) (i hope ::))

    Hi Kate, oscar is seven months - is that still too young? No we are building up too it, we don't wont to rush it we are starting with the training line and building up from that - we are slightly cautious of letting him off straight away. Thanks for your help :)
  5. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: upstairs

    Yes, in my humble opinion its too young yet , his joints and ligaments are still immature so really, its best to err to caution , same with jumping in and out of cars , the more care you take when they are young , the less likely they are to suffer joint problems later . Trouble is, nothing is set in stone , dogs whos owners have taken the utmost care to try and prevent later life problems can still have problems , its just about cutting down the risk as much as possible :)
  6. osca

    osca Registered Users

    Dec 31, 2013
    Re: upstairs

    thanks Kate thats good to know, we previously had a GSD and she had to be put down due to a neurological problem and arthritis which caused her a great deal of difficulty walking - so thats good to know we definetely wont to cut out anything that could cause those problems - well as much as possible.

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