Urgent advice please

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Puppys Mum, Dec 18, 2016.

  1. Puppys Mum

    Puppys Mum Phoebe's Mum

    Oct 6, 2016
    North Wales
    So Phoebe is now a four month old happy, cheeky, affectionate, wilful, loving little (no so) puppy.

    Today at the beach where we have visited several times we had a bad experience with another dog.

    We let her off and keep her close, any other doggies look like coming too close or to say hello we put her on the lead, however this dog (black biggish not sure what) appeared from no where running in the sea Phoebe thought it looked exciting so off she shot.

    Long story short before we got to her the other dog and gone for her and pinned her down, no physical damage but she was petrified and yelping, I picked her up and calmed her down.

    Judging by his reaction the owner knew exactly what his dog was like with any other dog but that's another conversation.

    We stayed on the beach for a while, playing frisbee, meeting a guty sitting on his own and she was fine, walking and sniffing then we came off the beach and walked along the prom.

    Saw a couple of dogs, one that carried on walking past and another small one that was blind, Phoebe was a little hesitant and then this other black springer appeared from no where off the lead towards her ans she started yelping again, I picked her up and she was ok.

    Back at home she's ok but so worried that we now will have a problem with other dogs, I am so angry that people have no control over their dogs and obviously know they should not be around others up close.

    Whilst I take responsibility for being off the ball for seconds and not getting to her in time I am so upset that my baby will be nervous ongoing

    Any ideas/experiences would be greatly appreciated - thank you
  2. Snowshoe

    Snowshoe Registered Users

    Sep 5, 2015
    Ontario, Canada
    Was Phoebe rude to the big black dog? Ran right into it's face, jumped and bit at it? In such a situation it's not unusual for an older dog to teach puppy some manners by pinning without hurting. Some puppies do yelp. It sounds like that was not the case and the big black dog targeted Phoebe for no reason. Some dogs are bullies. Phoebe sounds a bit sensitive and timid (yeah, I got that from that whole big post, NOT, I'm guessing) though and maybe didn't need that lesson.

    Could you find some other big black dogs that you know are good with puppies and arrange playdates with them one at a time? In an area with no other dogs?

    Picking your dog up and coddling it is usually a signal to them that YOU are worried and many will pick up on that and then they will be too. I understand you had good reason to worry so even more important to find friendly dogs to socialize with one on one for a while. Good luck.
  3. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    This happened to Tatze when she was 6 months old. I was in a state - but she took it in her stride! (yes, she screamed and squealed at the time, but any pup would!)

    I think pups understand a 'telling off' better than we think.

    Now I know better and don't worry if a pup is told off - Snowshoe is right, a 'ooops, that was a lesson learned' is the best attitude to stop the pup worrying.

    I'd get out and about again asap - and work hard on quelling your own anxieties so they don't pass on to Phoebe.

  4. Puppys Mum

    Puppys Mum Phoebe's Mum

    Oct 6, 2016
    North Wales
    Thank you for your replies.

    Snowshoe, no she did not run at it or jump or bite at it just ran in its direction and it charged at her and pinned her down.

    She is not sensitive or timid, very happy go lucky and friendly with all sorts of dogs and people, we have socialised her lots since 8 weeks.

    The only reason I picked her up was to get her away from the other dog. She certainly did not need that lesson! As you say Bully.

    Boogie, thank you for your experience we have a black dog up the road she likes to interact with through the gates I will try that.

    We were very upbeat and carried on as normal straight afterwards and played, sniffed etc trying not to pass on our feelings.
  5. Puppys Mum

    Puppys Mum Phoebe's Mum

    Oct 6, 2016
    North Wales
    On another subject Boogie love the piccies on your blog of the name hooks, where are they from, do you make them?
  6. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014

    Yes, PM me if you'd like one :)
  7. Puppys Mum

    Puppys Mum Phoebe's Mum

    Oct 6, 2016
    North Wales
    Good news! Been out for a walk up the road and she was fine albeit hesitant for a millisecond with he black lab she knows - phew!!!!
    drjs@5, Rosie and Naya like this.
  8. Puppys Mum

    Puppys Mum Phoebe's Mum

    Oct 6, 2016
    North Wales
    Boogie, how do I PM you please
  9. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Just try to make sure that she has lots of interactions with friendly dogs for a while.

    To be honest, so long as she wasn't hurt, it's not a terrible lesson and most pups learn it sooner or later. Don't run up to other dogs, take your time, you might want to turn away - not all dogs are friendly.
    Naya likes this.
  10. Puppys Mum

    Puppys Mum Phoebe's Mum

    Oct 6, 2016
    North Wales
    Thanks JulieT hopefully she has learnt this lesson!!
    Rosie likes this.
  11. Emily_BabbelHund

    Emily_BabbelHund Longest on the Forum without an actual dog

    Jul 31, 2016
    Regensburg, Germany (Bavaria)
    Sticking my nose in here in case Mags doesn't see your message.

    Click on "Inbox" on your upper right screen. Then click on "Conversations" and "Start a Conversation".

    The name hooks are indeed adorable - got to see them in person a couple weeks ago! :)
  12. Puppys Mum

    Puppys Mum Phoebe's Mum

    Oct 6, 2016
    North Wales
    Thank you Emily

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