Hi everyone,just dropped Mum and Dad off at the airport with plans for an easy day and forum catch up today ;D Chris walked Dex this morning and he had his breakfast as normal and an hour later he's thrown up his entire breakfast ,undigested.......He did it in the 2 mins I left him to go upstairs He's had 24 hours on boiled rice on Wednesday as he had a terribly upset stomach but I was pretty sure I could put that down to something rotting and disgusting he discovered on a walk...he seemed better yesterday,if not completely ' normal' so I'd put him back on his kibble. Dexter has never been properly sick before,I've had the dates in the cone incident and he brought a little bit of chicken up on a walk once but this is a complete meal( really sorry,I know it's breakfast time for many of you) I don't want to be a drama but the chance of a blockage scares the pants off me.....George my nephew had a MIA ear plug yesterday,Dexter wasn't observed near it or interested by it and I thought last night if I went to bed if he's scoffed it it will surely have got chewed down into nothing...... How do you proceed if he's just been sick once?oh,as I'm writing this he's done it again twice.....right we are off to the vet :'(
Re: Vomit! Sorry! X Er hold the horses.....I've done an examination of his 'presentations' and it appears there have been a rather large amount of dates consumed...I've altered the vet appointment to a divorce lawyer appointment!Chris just let's him go self employed when he is off the lead I've got until 12 to take him to the vet on a Friday so I think I'll just watch him and if I'm not happy I'll take him in.....I've got 3 hours to watch him,he's flat out asleep now ???.....Does that sound like an appropriate plan? X
Re: Vomit! Sorry! X Yes, it does. That's what I'd do - just wait I personally wouldn't be considering a vet visit if I had identified a case of over consumption, especially with Dex's sensitive tummy. Obi ate a huge quantity of duck food last week and threw it all up overnight. It's a normal thing to do when they eat too much of something.... With the missing ear plug - I imagine that it's not very big? It would take more than than to cause a blockage I would say
Re: Vomit! Sorry! X Ah Rachael thankyou,I thought you might be around,appreciate you dropping in he's fine in himself ,full of beans and very interested in our breakfast!im going to ring the vet and see what they say as my friend here has just pointed out that dates have stones in them.....and that flagged up in my memory my vet telling me date stones don't always show up on X-rays ...if I've got to go in,they are only 10 mins away. Glad Obi was ok after the duck food and poo ,these dogs! X
Re: Vomit! Sorry! X Best to put your mind at rest Hope the vet says it's nothing to worry over They sure do keep us on our toes....
Re: Vomit! Sorry! X If you are concerned there's no reason why you can't phone your vet for some advice rather than taking him in. Personally I wouldn't worry too much at this stage, especially if he has a history of a sensitive tummy when eating things he shouldn't. The sick that was undigested food doesn't usually come from being unwell (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) I'm pretty sure that can come from eating too fast or racing around just after eating - you said he ran up the stairs? Penny has had a couple of these incidences and has always been fine. I know it's a worry. Penny ate a slice of fruit loaf once and I went nuts! I was so worried about the raisins in it. It was the day I was off to Discover Dogs so my partner was left with strict instructions not to take his eyes off her and if she had any vomiting or diarrhoea to phone the vet IMMEDIATLEY! Typically she was fine and there were probably only about three whole raisins in the whole slice she ate but it does make us worry!! Hope he feels better soon.
Re: Vomit! Sorry! X Oh Angela they do worry us sometimes, however it does sound like the dates, hope everything is okay, though, know he is in the best hands with you x
Re: Vomit! Sorry! X I hope Dexter is ok and the vomiting has stopped? Our dogs with sensitive tummies do worry us don't they ??? I hope a trip to the vets isn't necessary xx
Re: Vomit! Sorry! X Angela, I know this of no help to you whatsoever, but every mention of Dex's sensitive stomach makes me touch wood for the fact that my dogs always seem to have had the digestive abilities of a wheelie bin. I'm not good with vomit... Hope Dexter seems much better now. Clare
Re: Vomit! Sorry! X Ah Angela, hope Dex is ok. They are such a worry aren't they? Meg has vomited recently and I phoned our vet. They said it was probably due to the strong antibiotic she was and to see how she goes. At least ringing vets give you peace of mind. Lots of cuddles for Dex. Jen xx
Re: Vomit! Sorry! X Oh Dexter , what a worry you are to your long suffering Mum Hoping he feels lots better soon Angela xx
Re: Vomit! Sorry! X It wasn't my normal vet...it's the second one I use ( long story) but they said bring him in in so we've just been ( he hasn't been sick since this morning,but the upset tum is truly the worst we have seen ) Anyway he isn't dehydrated......his tummy is relaxed and she couldn't feel anything and he is ok in himself...got some meds and the dubai equivalent of pro kaolin and he's on a light tea tonight and 4 small meals tomorrow.hes seen me soak his biscuits and is now torturing me for his food so I think he's ok ??? Thanks everybody xxxx
Re: Vomit! Sorry! X This is where he has sat since we got back in 15 mins ago...patiently by his food cupboard!he kills me! http://www.flickr.com/photos/97066992@N03/12673848785/
Re: Vomit! Sorry! X 'Come ON mum, I'm STARVING…' ;D ;D And that is the biggest dog bed I have ever seen...