My 9 year old has a wart on her foot. Well, it looks like a wart. She licks at it. Sometimes so does the puppy. Are there any easy ways to get rid of it?
Re: Warts? That is something I would see the vet about. It might look like a wart but it may well not be - there are a whole range of lumps, bumps and bits and pieces that dogs can get and only a vet would be able to tell what it is exactly and what the best treatment would be, if any is needed
Re: Warts? I agree with Rachael. My old lab had numerous warts of all shapes and sizes. The vet usually told me to keep an eye on them and they were removed when he had operations for other things. However it is best to get a vet to check. If she's licking it and the puppy is interested it could be that it's bothering her. Also if they are in a place were they could get caught and damaged it could be better to have it removed.