What a difference a week makes!!!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by karen reid, May 22, 2014.

  1. karen reid

    karen reid Registered Users

    Mar 5, 2014
    Hi, here I was this time last week gloating that my boy was 18 weeks old and I thought the worst was over. I was passing on my words of wisdom to newer puppy owners that better times are just around the corner - that the housetraining, biting etc all settles. Well the past few days have been a nightmare. My wee loveable Murphy (now 19 weeks) seems to have turned deaf ie he doesn't listen to a blinking word we are telling him!!! If the world didn't consist of other dogs and dead rabbits, things would be fine. However if either are within a mile radius of us he turns deaf :( :(

    Yesterday he had 2 dead rabbits he proudly brought to me, wouldn't put them down and kept running away from me when I tried to get them. Today walking along the riverside he must've got a whiff and squeezed through a fence and no amount of coaxing would bring him back. Obviously this rabbit was too fresh as he wasn't interested in picking it up!!!! I eventually had to climb over the fence (not a pretty sight) and get hold of him.

    I'm just off to purchase total recall. However if Anyone has any other advice /words of wisdom they would be greatly received? Is the dead rabbit thing normal? He has been fantastic off lead up until a few days ago and would come back to us every time. Is this the adolescent stage coming early?

    Ps is it normal to have so many dead rabbits? I've had my other two boys for 16 and 15 years and can never remember dead rabbits on the many walks we've ever done.
  2. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: What a difference a week makes!!!

    Hi Karen, Harley went through a stage around 5 months old of not listening to my hubby and daughter when on walks and ran off several times. I was out of action for 3 weeks so they had to get on with it! As soon as I was back on my feet I went back to basics - recall in the garden and house.....I would call her name and if she came towards me I would say 'Harley come' then praise/treat when she got to me. We then went outside - took my daughter with me, both had treats and walked off in different directions. We then called her back and forth between us. After a few days of this (and quite a few funny looks whilst we ran away from her making lots of noise), she got the message and I haven't looked back since. We still have the odd day that she doesn't listen, but they are far and few between.
    Good luck and with perseverance you will get there :)
  3. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: What a difference a week makes!!!

    We did (and still do) a 'swap' method for getting dead animals off her. I say in a happy voice 'what have you got' and she brings it to me and swaps for a tripe stick (MUCH smellier than a dead rat!) I carry one or two in a small plastic bags for just such occasions. The bag is needed to prevent them stinking your pocket out and for disposing of the poor dead creature.

  4. Dr CEM

    Dr CEM Registered Users

    Oct 15, 2013
    Re: What a difference a week makes!!!

    I'm also in favour of the 'swap' method when dead rabbits/ birds/ rats (!) are picked up by Buddy on our walks. He will drop ANYTHING for a doggie treat...I just have to be quick with his lead as 2 seconds later he will try and pick the carcass up again!
  5. Joy

    Joy Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2014
    Re: What a difference a week makes!!!

    I've had similar problems with Molly and dead birds - so I'm hoping to benefit from advice you receive!

    I've tried treats - including roast chicken - but apparently a dead seagull is much tastier. I haven't tried tripe sticks, so I might give that a go.

    I've had some success with a squeaky toy on a length of rope which I carry with me and which Molly only gets to play with when we're out and then for only a few minutes. She is willing to leave other dogs when she hears the squeaky toy and sometimes dead birds.

    My solution has been to keep Molly on a trailing long-line when at the beach, which is our danger area. Strangely when she realises I have picked up the end of it, she will then come to me and once I actually have her next to me she will 'give' without argument. The Total Recall process also requires use of a long-line - though I haven't succeeded in phasing it out entirely.

    Good luck!
  6. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: What a difference a week makes!!!

    Ah yes...
    We had dead decaying rabbit incident last week. I might have posted about it. Lilly is 4.
    My advice is to teach a strong "leave" command. Clicker can help this.
    And offer a swap. Must try tripe sticks....nothing for me really comes up to the rotting rabbit although i think a cat food sachet might work (I have run out)
    My "swap" generally is enticing her into a game of "go find Sophie" Always works. Bit mean really :D
    My issue is removing the enticing object.
    sometimes I have found it easier just to allow her to carry it home though not ideal. Then top up her flea and wormers if needed :-\
  7. karen reid

    karen reid Registered Users

    Mar 5, 2014
    Re: What a difference a week makes!!!

    Oh Jacqui, I had to laugh at the picture I have of Sophie walking home proud as punch with a rotten dead thing hanging out her mouth!!! Last night it was a rotten bird he managed to sniff out. I did manage to eventually entice him with a treat but I'm off to pets at home this morning to try the tripe strips, and cat food pouch, might try that too.

    I've never realised there was so much dead animals around until this last week, and I've walked dogs for 16 years (2 cross labs, not a full one. Does this make a difference?)

    Thanks as always everyone for sharing you tips. It's great knowing I'm not alone :) :)

    Karen xxx
  8. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: What a difference a week makes!!!

    [quote author=karen reid]
    Oh Jacqui, I had to laugh at the picture I have of Sophie walking home proud as punch with a rotten dead thing hanging out her mouth!!!
    Ha Ha Karen - not as loud as I was laughing there!
    Our dog is called Lilly, my daughter is Sophie (not your fault, it wasn't that clear ;D )
    Quite tickled with this picture in my head now.......

    But yes, there is a lot of dead stuff or other potentially edible stuff when there is a lab around ::) ::)
  9. karen reid

    karen reid Registered Users

    Mar 5, 2014
    Re: What a difference a week makes!!!

    [quote author=drjs@5 link=topic=6154.msg81238#msg81238 date=1400944843]
    [quote author=karen reid]
    Oh Jacqui, I had to laugh at the picture I have of Sophie walking home proud as punch with a rotten dead thing hanging out her mouth!!!
    Ha Ha Karen - not as loud as I was laughing there!
    Our dog is called Lilly, my daughter is Sophie (not your fault, it wasn't that clear ;D )
    Quite tickled with this picture in my head now.......

    Hehehe, oops :) :) yes the picture I have now is REALLY funny :) :)

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