What time do you feed - hungry dog better for walking?

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Sersi, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. Sersi

    Sersi Registered Users

    Sep 19, 2012
    I usually feed Digby around 8am (up at 7.15), then he rests in his cage from 8.30 to 9.30 ish whilst I do the school run. Then I usually walk him, as his breakfast has had time to settle.
    Now, he is only 6 months and I am walking him off lead some of the time we are out so we are constantly working on recall. Today he didn't come back (only the 2nd time he hasn't) as he saw dog / people that looked too good to resist. I was thinking - would I be better off walking before he eats so he is hungrier and potentially more interested in the tit bits I have? or would be struggling for energy if we went out without sustenance? It would mean changing his food from 8am to 11 ish.
    I realise of course that him being hungry will not give him perfect recall and that training and proofing is required, just wondered if it might help, as folk often say its best to train them when they're hungry.
  2. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: What time do you feed - hungry dog better for walking?

    I think if it were me , I would still give breakfast but maybe two thirds and save the third for training ? You do right to wait a while after food before a walk, helps to eliminate the risk of bloat . It would be a long to time for a 6 month old to wait until 11 for his first feed and so may be counter productive, good luck :)
  3. Sersi

    Sersi Registered Users

    Sep 19, 2012
    Re: What time do you feed - hungry dog better for walking?

    I was worried it would be too late for him, he looks so hungry on a morning, soppy eyed looks from the area where his bowl goes..you know the routine!! A smaller meal is a good idea. SHould I also wait a while to feed after a walk or is it just before?

    I need to try and find a new training class I think that can help me with setting up scenarios for proofing recall. I don't have any friends with dogs who I can do this with - quite hard to set them up to succeed when you just do it on the hop.
  4. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: What time do you feed - hungry dog better for walking?

    yes, before and after , if possible about an hour, its hard sometimes, but even half an hour is far better than nothing and yes, those eyes :)
  5. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: What time do you feed - hungry dog better for walking?

    Gosh, I feel worried if I exercise Pops until she's rested for three hours after a meal...

    I think she quickly got used to a wee and poo in the garden first thing, then breakfast at 7, then her main walk at 10. Now I walk her at 7, then feed her afterwards. Except at the weekends, when we regress, and I let her in the garden and then we go back to bed for a cuddle!!!
  6. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: What time do you feed - hungry dog better for walking?

    Ah....Karen! Sounds just like us.

    Jacqui & Lilly :)

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