Regrets - I've had a few...

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by caroleb, Jul 4, 2011.

  1. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    But not too few to mention!

    What have you spent your hard earned on cash for your dog only to think well that was a waste of money? Perhaps our tales of woe can save others from the same mistakes?

    Mine wasn't costly in terms of money but in terms of bruises. Barney pulled like a very excited train when I first got him and a friend offered to lend me her bungy lead. Yes a lead made of strong bungy elastic the idea being that the lead pulls back and the dog feeling resistance doesn't pull.

    We managed the few hundred yards down the lane ok with lots of "watch me" etc arrived into a field just as a crow took off and so did Barney. The lead stretched much further than I thought it would and I remember thinking briefly this isn't going to end well as I had to let go. The lead snapped back to shape whacking him on the bum rather like a whip to a horse and he charged off into the distance also leaving me with a bruised and stinging hand. Needless to say that was handed back and never used again!
  2. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Regrets - I've had a few...

    Poor Barney, very painful but very funny too ;D

    For the first few dogs I owned, I spent silly money on beds. Quilty, padded, pretty, things with designer covers and a fancy price tag. I am embarrassed to say that I repeated this mistake on several occasions before I came to terms with the fact that most labradors and many spaniels, do not grow out of chewing things until they are at least two, and have no respect for the words 'chew-proof' 'durable' or 'tough'.

  3. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    Re: Regrets - I've had a few...

    Ah yes the bed thing.

    My friend (who is completely responsible for me getting into dogs in the first place and so has ALOT to answer for!) told me not to spend a lot of money on a bed, it would be a waste of time/money etc. But of coruse I wanted him to have a nice bed not an old blanket like Rog uses. So before Barney arrived I made him a bed from half a cushion from an old sun bed and covered it with old beach towel. It looked great, really bright and colourful it lasted 24 hours before being ripped open... I made several more before I gave up and gave him an old piece of carpet. After about 6 months which also interestingly given your observation Pippa was when he'd be about 2 I brought him a "Ruff N Tuff" bed. He loved it. He mouthed it but it was fine.

    Then I got a puppy.


    So it's an 18 month wait before poor Barney will have his nice bed replaced.
  4. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Regrets - I've had a few...

    Its only us that cares though isnt it. He is probably perfectly happy with his bit of old carpet. :)
  5. joframe

    joframe Registered Users

    Jun 17, 2011
    Re: Regrets - I've had a few...

    First of all - I have to admit I too went for the bungy lead and quickly realised it did nothing to stop pulling as I tried to hang on to it. Gave it up as a bad job. Unfortunately my husband used it later on, and had the bad habit of wrapping it round his hand with one of our more nervous dogs - result, he ended up with a broken finger - ouch and now dog walking is my domain only!

    The other 'bad purchase' was a large doggie bean bag for two puppies. We came home to find the bean bag burst and the hall knee deep in polystyrene beads. For many months later you could walk through the local forest and easily recognise my dogs' poohs - they were adorned with polystyrene beads! ;D
  6. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    Re: Regrets - I've had a few...

    Oh dear that is funny! For us reading it that is, god I can just imaging clearing that lot up having had something similar on a much smaller scale.

    The broken finger really isn't - similar thing happened to a friend with a normal lead she had around her last two fingers. A truck went past, hit the air brakes and the dog panicked and she had her fingers almost torn off. Lots of surgery and now she can't use them. It's a good reminder to be careful how we hold the lead. I also nearly had an accident and the lead wasn't on the dog! It was bunched up in my hand, Barney ran past me and managed somehow to get his head in a loop of lead we both ended in a tangled heap luckily not seriously hurt.
  7. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    Re: Regrets - I've had a few...

    I hold the lead very loosely, just draped over my cupped fingers really (someone else taught the dog to heel beautifully, long before I met her!) - but it does make you think - if something startled her and she bolted, I don't actually 'have hold' of her at all.

    Fortunately we are in the lucky position of never having to walk near roads - I mainly have the lead on because my old girl doesn't like meeting other dogs, and that way I can put myself in their way and keep her moving!


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