..does anyone else's Lab do this? When Cassie was small, and also through her rhino charge zoomie phase, I tended to wear the same, rather boring clothes that didn't matter with the nipping. As that has dissipated in recent months I've begun to wear other items and she always has to inspect them and try and mouth them. Last night I put on a sleeveless jumper that I bought on my trip away, well she was utterly fascinated, and almost had to sniff every square inch. It was quite sweet but did get a bit wearing after 20 minutes! It's not a problem, I'm just curious as to other's experiences.
I don't usally get the sniffathon on clothes I've had in the wardrobe and not worn BUT new clothes are hugely attractive and require a lot of sniffing. I put it down to the amazing range of scents the clothes must have from all the different people that have handled them through manufacture, packing, distribution and in the store
Vanilla does this. If it is a new item that she has not seen before or a washed item I get the sniff up and down until she is satisfied. There is also a look of excitment in her face and tail when she realises it is not work clothes but casual ones. Just means more her time
Yes, Molly does this and so have all our dogs. I always thought it was a comment on my clothes choice I do tend to wear big baggy stuff.
Well she seemed really thrilled by the cashmere jumper I bought in Scotland I won't tell her it was on the bargain rail cos it's imperfect !
YES. It doesn't happen as much now as I'm retired and don't need new clothes for work anymore. But it was a bit of a problem. Put something new on to meet a client and end up with sniffy drool marks somewhere.