Good question, Holly. I drool for my mum's biscuit and she goes all squeaky and then wipes her leg on my head. Which I don't think is very polite, do you? Pongo
No none of those, apperantly something called Irish Wolfhounds. Just big and big....amazing. Have you ever seen one? I would not want to play with one never mind two, think I might get bowled over. Vanilla
Mumsie dropped a piece of gammon on the kitchen floor and I shot in there and gobbled it up before she could say ‘ leeeeve it Sky’. Red rushed over but she was too late. Silly puppy, she was licking the floor - how tasty is that? Not . Sky
Oh yes! yes! I played with an Irish Wolfhound called Finn when I was learning to be good a long time ago. Finn was brilliant fun, he chased and everything. And he DID bowl me over. Lots. He was HOOGE! I haven't seen him for ages cuz we don't go to the same place anymore - Coco
Sky, you are wise and experienced and clearly very nimble. You are an example to us youngsters. - Coco
Sky, you gotta be careful with that game. I did the same thing last night. Mum was cooking and dropped somefink on the floor so I snarfed it quick. But it was DISGUSTING! I spat it out sharpish but Mum was laughing at me. Parrently it was GAH-lick. Dunno about that was more chew-GAH! Luna
oh yes're right, but GAMMON! Speed and recognition - comes with years of practice. Something for us to aspire to. - Coco
Bleurgh this happens to Pigs too. Once it happened when I used to jump up on the kitchen worktop and snorkel tasty morsels. I jumped up once and lo and behold there was an exciting yellow round tasty-looking thing so I stole it and scampered off. But it turned out this yellow thing was like a juicy yellow tennis ball but it was really angry and it made my muzzle shrivel so I did what any Pig does when alarmed which is to slap it and bark at it. Then mum came and took away the norty juicy ball and said ‘silly piggy you won’t be stealing lemons again!’. I didn’t go onto the kitchen worktops after that.
I gotted another pome, it goes like this: When it is cold it’s best To stay in my cosy Pig nest I’m more snug than a bug in a rug, I’m as snug as a pug in a mug! Cow poooooooooooo! Mum says definitely my pome would be better without the last line. But what do hoomans know about pomes? Zero things, that’s what. I heard a hooman pome once, it was by Willum ShakesPiddler and it was rubbish, it didn’t even mention cow poo once or fesants.
I saved a dog today! A Spanner ran under the gate from a footpath onto the road - so I pulled mum across to stop it from running in the road way and we sniffed bums instead. We waited for it's man to catch up and he had another Spanner. They were so friendly. Mum says I was a bit norty to pull over the road, but she said I was a hero for stopping the little dog running out where the cars might have been even though no cars came. - Coco
I am happy, mummy said I am like a 'Pig in s@!%'. The cold blowy thing is working finally, and I am laying under one of them. Pig - does your mum say the same to you too at times? Vanilla
Yis but normally when I am actually in sh!#t. I can offishully verify that a Pig in sh!#t is a very happy Pig. Specially if it’s from cow-beasties
My peeple are cruel. They didnt give me any breakfast becoz I did lots of poops overnight. They say it was becoz I ran off on my walk and ate a pile of windfalls, but I dont beleive them. How could something as tasty as apples make me poopy? I hope I'm going to get some tee.
If she puts that bl**dy coat on me there will be war. I'm as hard as nails me! I don't care if its cold and I'm old I not some softy. My image will suffer what will my friends think. It's purple too. I don't do coats and I don't do purple. Moo the defiant
I don't do rolling anymore too stiff and arthritic just can't manage it any more defiantly stiff but don't tell