Itchy dog

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Yogibear100, Apr 7, 2021.

  1. Yogibear100

    Yogibear100 Registered Users

    Apr 7, 2021
    Hello, I have a lovely 5year old who constantly itches, vet has done numerous tests and they all come back at a dead end , we have spent hundreds of pounds
    Currently he is on food from the vet but I am convinced he is allergic to environmental factors . He itches his back mainly and paws but also has awful dandruff , sometimes has red eyes , when we touch his lower back he jumps like he is ultra sensitive . I have started him on Benadryl but it’s not really done anything . Has anyone had this on there dog ? Please
  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    My dog is 31/2 and has scratched himself more than my previous dog ever did. The only time he stopped when when he was on steroids and Piriton along side his chemo treatment. It doesn’t seem to bother him too much and he has never scratched himself raw.
    We saw a dermatologist. This is what he did:-
    1. Tested his paws using sticky tape and microscope to establish that he had an overload of fungal spores on his feet.( Look up Malassezia)
    This was treated with foot washes.
    2. He was put on an 8 week elimination diet using an Analergenic dog food and nothing else.
    The fact that he was still itchy/red eyes at the end meant it was environmental not food related
    3. He was going to have skin patch tested but apparently allergy tests have moved on and he was able to have a blood test that was sent away to Holland I think(£250)
    These were his results.
    There are various options re medication but I am keeping those on the back burner to see if I can help by limiting exposure to any of these.

    Attached Files:

    Anil likes this.
  3. Robert1991

    Robert1991 Registered Users

    Apr 27, 2021
    Immediately you need to visit your vet and get a proper diagnosis done. Most common causes are conjunctivitis, allergies, or irritants, however there may be some serious possibilities also so it is important to have your pet examined.
  4. Robert1991

    Robert1991 Registered Users

    Apr 27, 2021
    I was searching for the reasons behind this and came to know about some cure. I would like to share that you may find some useful information here at Pet Pharmacy.
  5. Toriann22

    Toriann22 Registered Users

    Mar 25, 2019
    We have a 4yr old chocolate female and have been trying for 3-1/2 years to figure out what makes her itchy! We have done several food trials, food elimination, special baths, medications etc! She is on a raw diet. She only gets cucumber, green beans, broccoli, strawberries and that’s it. No processed food of any kind. She has had multiple rounds of antibiotics for infections from licking her vulva, paws, scratching her ears etc. The poor his such a sweet girl but the itching is a lot! We have her on Apoquel twice a day, omega 3 oil caps, Thrive fortify & bovine Colustrum is sprinkled on her food daily. We even have special wipes for her paws! It’s a challenge! We put a cone of shame on her often.
  6. Angela Beckett

    Angela Beckett Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2020
  7. Angela Beckett

    Angela Beckett Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2020
    Hi I'm the same, my lab who just turned 3 keeps gnawing at her paws mainly. They are now getting red and sore. The vet wants to put her on a tablet (can't remember what it's called) that will cost me £100pm but this tablet over time will cause her to have more medical problems. Well sorry but I can not do that to my pup? It's great for the vets pocket but not so great for quality of life for my pup.
    Iv tried that canine prime supplement by Dr Lazaris with zero effect, she also has Douxos wipes and shampoo. Iv tried 3 8week food trials with beef, chicken and currently salmon&duck and she's still gnawing. She is also on a raw diet. As far as iv read raw diets are ment to help or get rid of this kind of thing.
    Any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated
  8. Angela Beckett

    Angela Beckett Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2020

    What information was on that site relating to this subject??

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