I use the harness and leach. But be careful to pull it too much. The puppy can get a bit distressed or more agitated and it will be difficult to...
So, good news about job and commute. For at least the next month I'll be able to either work some hours from home or reduce somewhat my work...
Please stop saying anyone said "it is ok" to kick a dog. It's a far stretch between understanding the father's action (who seemed was trying to...
I'm using finger snaps as behavior signaling. Working great so far. I have a strong good whistle too, so when i call him, i use my whistle to get...
I agree. However being a father myself, I might have done the same. And seeing my own puppie, things can happen real fast and in dire straits......
New day! Started the morning doing some training. I didn't stress Wuki too much with training, i didn't want to boss him around so young, and...
Very beautiful! If i were in your shoes, i wouldn't care! She's a very beautiful dog, doesn't matter if a cross or a pure Lab! Love her and...
BTW, for the people who's been following, i bought a new harness and a new home line (here in the pic). It's harder to get out from this harness,...
Tearing the new bed apart... [IMG]
BTW, here's a little shot of Wuki... He's with that guilty look because he had just ate a rock from the garden. Almost took me a finger to take...
Wuki still a crocopup. Actually we're at the verge of giving him the second nick-name Chewey, because he does chew a lot! On a side note Han Solo...
I don't mean to say it is ok to kick a dog, but the jump at the little kid might have been seen as a risk to the child. I really don't know the...
I'm a little confused at the thread, but at some point you say Vanilla jumped at a kid? Don't you think it was a bit of a stretch to have an...
Jen, I'm a first owner like you probably. I got really lucky with Wuki, he can go through the night without notice and only barks when he's...
Hey guys would a hose bath, only water (no shampoo) be bad to a 9 week old puppy? And what frequency wold be ok? We've use baby cloths to clean...
Hi. Wuki and the kids are bonding a little more, though I'm suffering the consequences of using my hands as shields for them. Oh, my hands never...
Naya, great story. I would like to involve my kids too, great idea about standing still and crossing the arms. Thanks for the ideas! MC
BTW, i've managed to check all my plants toxic potential to dogs here. Sorry if it was already mentioned but this info can save a puppie's life!...
About the harness, I've been doing that, even for putting the harness most times I give him a treat, thought the idea of putting it when he eats...