Re: Puppy keeps stopping Hi there Bonnie has started doing this on the way home. With us I'm almost sure it's a sit-in protest that we're going...
Re: Are we at 'that age'?! Oh, and fantastic on the recall btw :)
Re: Are we at 'that age'?! She might come and sleep with you eventually. B used to sleep away from me at first; she's now (as every evening)...
Re: At the end of my tether... Ah, yes, I can see evidence of that sort of behaviour emerging here too! Well, if it works I'm happy to treat away!!
Re: Bonnie still attention biting at 6 months That definitely helps, it's good to know that it's not our quiet home-life at fault. I need to...
Re: At the end of my tether... Thanks Rosemary, it's good to know we're heading in the right, sweet-smelling direction! She's definitely getting...
Re: Are we at 'that age'?! Hurrah! Well done Tess! 8) Yes, indeed, it's good for one's sanity to note the good things and remember how far...
Re: Are we at 'that age'?! Oh yes, I can confirm what Maisie's Momma said, each stage and age brings new challenges. I was going to come on this...
Re: Stiffness is just getting worse :-( Hi Tams, just wanted to send you some moral support in what must be a very worrying time. And to Roscoe...
Re: Bonnie still attention biting at 6 months I have to remember this particular set of parents don't approve of anything, ever!!! The first time...
Re: Hello Hi Elin Poor you two - what a crazy couple of days. Ruby sounds about the same amount of handful Bonnie was a month ago! Try these...
Re: At the end of my tether... Allie, I just wanted to report back and say that with a week of vigilant "no" and treat replacement therapy,...
Re: Bonnie still attention biting at 6 months Rachael, many thanks, you've picked up on where my anxiety lay (see below). I will do as you...
Re: Bonnie still attention biting at 6 months Thanks Barbara. Do you think there's a correlation between the attention-biting and a pup with an...
Us again - with this weekend's missive! ::) Bonnie is still attention biting. Not so much with me, although perhaps I've just stopped noticing...
Re: Dex out of sorts..... Aw, bless ya both. I can understand your worrying. It sounds like he might be improving tho' so sending you positive...
Re: ok think i went a bit overboard puppy shopping lol Ripped up cardboard is the thing in interior design these days. All the best homes sport it :)
Re: Starting a new training class next week - feeling wary! Oh my goodness - they could be twins!!! She's gorrrrrrgeous!!! Oh my! :) :) :) I...
Re: First day with new puppy - what time to feed her before bed? Aw, congrats on your new addition. Happy puppying! 8)
Re: HELP!? RECALL :o This is all really excellent (as always). Can I just ask, in those moments when you've not noticed the approaching dog and...