The average life span for a frenchie is supposed to be 8 years but many don't make 6.
I think I have some kind of problem too;) the more I get pushed the harder I push back:D Woman say no I don't like this are huffy men saying no I...
You're not a huffy woman I wouldn't leave mine in a car either. It's not safe or fair to the dog. is the agility just for the owner or the dog?...
He may just sick it up Moo sicked up a wooden chip fork weeks after she'd eaten it. If everything's fine just monitor. They can hold stuff in...
Oxygen tents are available owners and bracy dogs are known not to fight the ventilators like most dogs because being on a vent is one of the first...
The only thing that will stop this is education. People simply don't know about the problems faced by bracy breeds. Once they do its usually too...