I didn't even think it was that bad
I wouldn't exercise my young dog this way at all. It's is high impact and damages joints and muscles. I would not do large amounts of exercising...
I sorry your vet scared and misinformed you with out dated ideas. Your puppy sounds lovely a little clever thing. Wanting to interact and play...
He's probably getting over excited. Mounting is often due to that than anything sexual. Playing with the children must be very exciting for him I...
I suppose it depends if its you getting the "punishment" or not.
I think it would be great as a debate if only you hadn't abused your dog first. Reminds me of a little rhyme I heard you once "3 things if you...
Lay in you ? Poor baby at least it wasn't a rolled up news paper eh?
Not practical? You train the pup to sit and wait at the threshold of the kitchen, and leave nothing within reach. It's not rocket science. You...
No there is never a time . Ever. Would you do that to s toddler? It's your job to stop leaving things that can be reached. It's your failure not...
I'm so sorry I hope he's ok xx
I always sleep with mine until they stop crying and sleep through some take a few days some a few weeks. You can do whatever suits you and you...
So sorry for your loss.
Has it been very hot were you are I know my 5 year olds been very flat due to the weather. He's picked up now it's got cooler. I know my dogs at...
Such s positive meeting. Hopefully now things can move forward for you all. Well done xxx
Wishing you the best of luck xxx
Put a cone on so he can't scratch it and make it worse?
He's a tiny baby everything going to seem scary. Just think about stuff that might scare you that's how he feels.
He's 9:weeks old he will be. You have to introduce things slowly and carefully. Put his collar on just before you feed him same with the harness...
Is there a treat she really likes that take a while to eat?, If there is give her one at the same time put the harness on. If she's quick give her...
We love you goodgirljoy xxxx