My 2 year old is working line (we’re in UK) and is also small. Nearly everyone who meets her thinks she’s still a pup. She’s 20kgs. I love her...
So sorry for your loss, it must be devastating . It’s lovely you were able to be right there with her loving her until the end. Thinking of you.
I also think you’re right, I put my girl on lead if we’re approaching closely to another dog on lead. It’s good manners and you have no idea why...
It sounds to me that you are planning really well for the move. Let her have a good look around when she gets there. But with you there, her...
I don’t have any suggestions to make but just wanted to express my sympathy for such a horrible and distressing experience. What a devastating...
So sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved girl.
Hi Karen, It’s quite a common problem for pups to get distressed at being left and it sounds like it’s very stressful for you. Your nighttime...
I really feel for you @Kaitlin Bode, like @Helen says, it’s a real loss that, at the moment, your dog can’t be the dog you were hoping for,...
Hi, Please don’t consider using an e collar, have a look at the post from @Beanwood above and also @Ruth Buckley’s post. There are ways to train...
How about you back away as he returns to you, encouraging him with an excited voice? So don’t stand still but keep moving back still facing him....
I used to have a SEBO but not sure what model (I got mine back in the late ‘90s so I don’t know how many models there were at that time). It did...
I counted 4 weeks from the first day I noticed symptoms.
Mine also gets kibble and wet food in the same bowl at each meal.
I grew up with 3 labs and none of them were allowed on the sofa, however, I don’t remember (it was so long ago) if they tried to get up and we had...
My lab used to do this and, like you, I found it disgusting. She ate her own, other dogs’ and the poo of every animal she could find, even human...
Very sad post. So sorry for your loss.
Great news!
This stage was a nightmare for me too. It definitely passes and one day you honestly will look back and smile. For me things started shifting when...
6 months here. When she started leaving her crate and sleeping in the bed next to it I figured the time was right (for her). For a while she...
When my girl was in season the first sign was a very swollen vulva followed a couple of days later by bleeding, which was never that heavy. Her...