So sorry for the devastating loss of your beloved Harley. My thoughts are with you. :hug:
Hi Trace, welcome! :hi: And these which last the same length of time. I use these which last 30-40 minutes. My girl is 2.
Hi and welcome from Sussex in the UK.
In the blurb that the training school I have done all my training with sends out before each class is "bring more treats than you think you'll...
I'm so sorry for your loss of Shaye @KirbyHawk75, it's heartbreaking when a dog has been such a large and loving part of your life. And Shaye's...
I think managing expectations is a really good point @RuthElizabeth, not expecting too much at such a young age. I remember getting frustrated...
So sorry Paul that you have lost your beloved Missy. Thinking of you.
I think it's common for most pups @Lisa Cooper, regardless of type of spay, to be much like their old selves within a few days. However, they do...
My ads are the same as @Stacia’s.
I had my pup spayed for my convenience I suppose, I was happy to go through one season with her but it didn't feel practical for me to manage...
If you mean you're going to have Zeus neutered I think it's unlikely that it will make any difference to his behaviour. Perhaps go back to basics...
Yes there is conflicting advice @Frosty12 and your vet may well have decades of experience but she is way out of kilter with up to date views of...
It will hamper her development, mentally and physically, I think, to be stuck in a crate all day. It would also be totally miserable for her....
It seems very young to me, much advice now is to wait three months until after the pup's first season. There are other threads on the forum, one...
Oh my goodness, I am shocked that your vet advised such an appalling and cruel way to manage a puppy's biting. Like @JenBainbridge says, puppies...
I can't offer experience @Frances but just wanted to offer my sympathy and hope you find a solution soon.
Hi John and welcome to you and Henry :hi: . Enjoy your monster!
Welcome Chris and Nellie :hi: