Poor Monty, Mabel’s limping a little, she has hydrotherapy today and I’m going to have a very quiet week with her as next weekend we are meeting...
I’m so very sorry to hear of your loss. Sending you a big hug. :hug:
Great walk today, Mabel says Monty can stalk her any day:doug:.
Welcome to the forum from me and my almost 3 year old girl Mabel in Coventry, England. So sorry to hear about Ruben although it sounds to me he is...
We had builders in when Mabel arrived at 9 weeks and she was fine, in fact she still absolutely loves workmen in high vis jackets. Mabel had a...
Oh no, what a dreadful accident. I love the photo Merlin is incredibly handsome.
Hi and a very warm welcome from me and my girl Mabel. We live in Coventry and regularly walk in St Nicholas’s Park so I may bump into you. :)....
Thank you so much for sharing :heart:
Get well soon Charlie, sounds really sore. X
Fingers crossed for Moo, unfortunately it’s likely to be very muddy in one field especially if it rains over the next week but apart from that...
I go to training classes because I really enjoy it and I’m really lucky to have a trainer who is completely on my wave length. He has taught me a...
A very very happy birthday Annie. :cake:
So sorry, thinking of you and sending big hugs :hug::hug:
@Naya I’m so sorry to read this, I’m so cross on your behalf. I’ve been teaching Mabel the behind cue for a while now, basically because on a...
Yes they were but there are many many different reasons why a puppy limps. I’m really glad you are going to get him checked out, your vet will be...
Oops sorry about 11 o’clock is that okay, I’ve private messaged you both as well :)
@leejane and @SwampDonkey Im on holiday from 11-18th November with literally no internet access so I thought I would do the directions now. I...
Hi @Jane robertson yes it could be a problem as my girl was diagnosed with ED at roughly 5 months but personally I wouldn’t rely on google but...
Glad Moo is getting better, I hope you manage to get some rest. xx
Thank goodness Moo is on the mend, let me know if you need anything I’m not that far away. Xx