Just add blue cake colouring to cheap white plonk. The hangover's the same.
Great. I wonder if Carbon will get carried away by the moment. Cassie didn't swim until last weekend when she followed Rourke into the water...
Now that you're en route to the land of Beanwood, would you be interested in a pack walk while you're here? I know a nice little lake in the...
I wonder if mum could do me some poop filled kongs? That would be ace!
Poop is great. It's nearly as tasty as cheese and there's lots of it. I don't even need to do anything good to get some.
I'm very proud of Holly. This afternoon we went for a stroll in the woods. The weather was just too nice to stay indoors and do DIY. A couple...
Holly wouldn't like us to adopt another dog. She's invested a lot of effort into training us and would hate to see it all undone.
Me too.
:cwl:Very succinct.
At the moment we're enjoying a truce in the slipper wars. Holly brings them to me when I come home, but hasn't stolen them for a few weeks....
Mums got toast and mamalaid. I love my mum.
After 61 years I still can't speak Labrador but our various Labs have always been able to understand peoplespeak! Whining is sometimes...
Welcome from Holly and me. I hope you have many happy years with your Labrador and look forward to hear all about her.
Dad and i went sploring today. I got very muddy, had a swim in the river and got got snorted at by a boar. I hope we can go sporing again tomorrow.
Welcome from Holly and me in Wales. I hope that everything goes smoothly with the introductions and look forward to hearing more about Woody.
Welcome form Holly and me in Wales. Honey looks very cute.
Happy birthday Raven. Holly sends wags.
Your training is now complete. Pongo must be very proud of you.
I dont have a wild side. daddy says i'm fisticated and ladylike. I could be wild with Ted becos he's my kinda hunk!
Hi Anna. Welcome from Holly and me in Wales. Have all your fostered dogs been Labs?