My first Lab was very protective of my mother. On several occasions she positioned herself between mum and strangers and growled. She even did...
You need to train the comity peeple. They clearly don't understand the way of the biskit. I find that drooling gently on someone's knee is very...
Dad didn't get much sleep last night. I pounced on him three times last night and wriggled a lot. That'll teach him to baff me.
Stealing is norty. I pick up and eat things while we're walking. It makes them feel gilty so they give me more treats to walk away from it....
They baffd me! I don't believe it, but they baffd me! I'd worked really hard to get the poo onto both sides of my neck and ears and i smelled...
I can't imagine how your dad must have felt. Well done to the pack for finding Ruby.
Hi and welcome from Holly and me in Wales.
You need a nice cool muddy puddle.
I just smuggled my chewie stick into the house and crunched up bits all over the carpet. Mum will be surprised.
Welcome from Holly and me in Wales.
It was a struggle for bed space last night. I managed to gain control of the pillow but lost control of the foot of the bed to Holly.
We've yet to have that discussion!
I've been away for a couple of nights. Holly almost wagged herself in half welcoming me home. She brought me all her favourite toys, one at a...
Daddy's been away for the last two nights. It's nice to have him back, but I think we're going to disagree about who sleeps where in the bed....
It works for me too. I can get a lot of poo into my mouth before they get back to me. Hoomans will never put their fingers in my mouth to get it...
No, mum and dad were too quick with the lead. next time....
Wow. What a walk! Mum, dad and i went to the woods after breakfast and walked for ages. We followed a stream for miles down to the river, and I...
Good idea Shadow. I'll try some extra tight snuggles tonight.
In hot weather I have a bum bag with water bottle and a folding bowl. Most f the time H prefers to find muddy puddle to wallow and drink, but in...
Mine are the same. I do wish they would sleep without fidgetting and let me have the whole middle of the bed. Sometimes there just isnt enough...