A couple of ideas: 1. I always try to take Holly to a pond, stream or any clean water on the way back to the car. It rinses some of the mud,...
Correction: yellow with muddy brown highlights.
In several decades of dog ownership we've never used a crate. We've always put the dog bed in the kitchen behind either a split barn door or...
Yellow, with lovely straw/mushroom tones around the head and shoulders with a lighter yellow body. I LOVE her colouring, there are so many shades...
There's also outdoor zoomies which (in Holly's case) usually includes running through puddles and jumping lots of fallen branches.
I don't give Holly antler horns because they're very hard and can break teeth.
Welcome from Holly and me in Wales. Rocket (great name!) will take a while to become a sensible adult dog, but he'll bring you and your children...
If I want a treat i just snatch one of dads slippers and run off. If he gives me a treat I'll give it back, otherwise i get it all slobbery.
I can count. Dad thinks I'm clever. After our walk this morning dad gave me one treat for fetching his slippers and he usually gives me two. I...
Absolutely. Good health and temperament are essential.
I've had both types of Lab over the years. My last dog was an English Lab (or show Lab as they're sometimes called in the UK). She was a nicely...
Hi Terri, and welcome from Holly and me in Wales.
It sound like he's settling in really well. Please keep the bulletins coming as they bring back happy memories of Hollys first nights.
Its Labrador magic. Now you see it.... now you don't.
A new potato rolled off the bench at lunchtime. I don't think it reached the floor.
Welcome from Holly and me in Wales.
Its the only time I've seen a slice of cake go down sideways without chewing.
When we sit down for a coffee we usually out a couple of treats into a Kong Quest to keep Holly occupied. Its better than having her drool on our...
The hiding game is a great way of focussing a dog on you. We've been playing it since Holly was a pup five years ago. You need high value treats...
I got some chikkin. When mum went to the frij I did my best 'starving and pathetic' look and she broke a bit off the chikkin for me. Later I did...