I definitely think working full time with a dog can be done - I do it. But a lot of sacrifices were made, especially in the early months/year. If...
Puppies are not dominant. Your puppy is playing. My advice is to get a new vet.
My dog went to daycare from 15 weeks and it’s never done him any harm. He went to one with an arrangement like you’ve described where it was play...
I was just brought up to know that you don’t use violence as a way of expressing your frustration. If someone annoys you at work - you don’t...
I’m not really sure what advice would be appropriate as any advice that would be helpful of constructive you’ve said you don’t want..
Stanley went to Doggy day care twice a week until he was 18 months. We started at a large facility which was well ran and the dogs were cared for...
All puppies are different - at 9 weeks mine weighed 1.9kg. He was teeny tiny. Still perfectly healthy. He was fed 4x a day until about 20 weeks...
There is lots of evidence to show dogs that chase lazers can have some behavioural issues later @kateincornwall has lovely Nelly a rescue dog who...
I picked my Puppy at just over 3 weeks. There wasn’t much science to it. We had first pick of the litter, I knew I wanted a boy. All the puppies...
How heartbreaking for you all. I’m so sorry for you and your pup! Sending you lots of love x
I’ve just done an online converter because I don’t really get cups but 1.5 cups is about 350grams according to google. I would say that’s a lot...
Poor Charlie :( Hope he’s feeling better now x
Daddy isn’t in to lie on :shake:
Mummy has given me free run of the whoooleeee house so I can find somewhere cool to lie while they’re not home. Obviously it is the couch :D Stanley
Yes she’s finally had them done and no longer resembles the thing that comes out of the bin on seseme street! Daddy is laughing at her, she’s now...
My mummy drank too much gin in the sun and now resembles a tomato :facepalm: Stanley
Oh Ripple you tinker! Stanley seems to have developed a taste for cat poo at the minute :mad: He had a nice big helping on his walk yesterday...
At least you got your money back. Leave her a stinking review!
Oh what an awful experience! Poor you & poor Maslow :( To be honest - for your original complaint Id be tempted to keep it short & sweet & not go...
Piggy your nest is amazing! I want a Stanley nest! Stanley