Maxx what’s you do is you gets poorly. You have to plan it perfectly though or it doesn’t work. You have to get ill enough far enough before they...
I definitely don’t think you’ll have any problems with the Labrador being a chocolate colour. We have loads of chocolates on this forum and...
Hopefully, as it’s been a couple of days now the man has decided to just let it be and not report the incident.When my friends dog was reported to...
Lots of love, Emily! Paul’s little world is now complete and it’s all thanks to you xx
Could you put his breakfast in a kong? When my dog was a baby I used to get up and let him out etc then give him a frozen kong which gave me...
Oh no Rory! Mine got stuck out once. Mummy had to hold a cold cloth on it - all my dignity was gone! Mummy said I thought I had it bad.. she was...
Can people be banned from the forum for sharing insanely cute puppy pictures because it’s quite dangerous.. :rolleyes::D
My daddy has a noisy bike and he puts a stupid outfit on to wear it. Mummy says he looks like a power ranger whatever one of those is. Daddy...
Conchita’s face is like “can we just skip this rigmarole and you just give me the treat :rolleyes:“ :D
That would be me and OH. We’re not allowed a hug without Stanley being involved :D
I don’t believe it. My mam and dad went to the shop hours ago and they haven’t come back. I’m now at Nanna’s. I think I’ve been tricked :mad:...
Paul is an actual angel, I LOVE him! I really hope it works out for him in his forever home x
Hampden Park. Although the nice yellow weather warning is making me a bit nervous :rolleyes:
He appears to be :) I’m still a bit paranoid so he’s only having his kibble. He’s had a tiny bit of chicken and some beef but no peanut butter or...
Aldi is the greatest! I did a shop in Morrisons once and only got “a few buts” which was basically about 2 bags. Came to about £70 :eek: Could’ve...
I’ve booked Stanley a little treat. We’re going to a Doggy play park. It’s £10 for an hour - fully enclosed with logs/tyres/balance beams/things...
My OH went on a stag doo to Prague once and I didn’t hear from him for 5 days. He came home with what must’ve been the entire contents of the MAC...
Welcome to Northern England :hi:
Nope, I have a Stanley cam :rolleyes: He’s always asleep or up to mischief when I watch that though. Not looking at me like :( behind a baby gate...
Does anyone else’s dog nudge your hand when you’re walking them? The little tinker is like *nudge* look how nice I’m walking on my lead - I...