Red wine is the devil :shake:
I am also helpful in the garden. I dig up all of nanas bulbs and put them in a pile for her to stop her losing them again. Stanley
I honestly don’t know as Stanley never gets them when I’m in. I give them him in his bed then leg it out the door or I’d never be able to leave as...
Same! Kongs have been lacking lately as well. Well.. I’m getting the same amount but with kibble. Pffft.. used to be peanut butter or tuna but...
I can’t believe how big he is. No wonder you need the carrier! Stanley was teeny small at that age and I had no problem carrying him for ages....
My next door neighbour Molly (she’s very pretty) had a super duper ball. I really liked it so when no one was looking I stoled it through the...
Baby gates!
He makes my heart hurt he’s so so cute :inlove:
Haaaa! I would’ve paid to see that! I bet the poor dog owner was MORTIFIED! We’ve all had the tigger vs snob moment. You’re so embarrassed but...
I’m not sure if you can eat them :oops: holly will know! Yes an up norf walk sounds good. Lilly and Ripple also live up norf too! Stanley
Oooh are you are you? Well everyone else here seems to live down sowf or in wayuls and they all gets to play together and I never gets to go :(...
Stanley is in awe!
I maintain that puppies have to be as cute as Luna because they’re horrible and no one would want them otherwise. Squidge really was the perfect...
Me too, Coco! I’m giving mummy my mean stare to let her know I’m not happy about living up norf. Stanley
Mummy said she’s having a day off! She’s now found an Easter egg she had hidden when she was on a di-et! She’s eating more than me today o_O...
Mummy and daddy are arguing about who is taking me for a walk :eek: the cheek of it they should both want to spend time with me. I think daddy’s...
Stanley has acquired a new ball I’ve never seen before. I think he’s stolen it from the dog next door because he’s aparading around in front of...
Our adjoining neighbour made passive aggressive comments when Stanley was a pup about him crying at night, we’d only just moved in so I was really...
I always get so stressed when I see people walking on busy roads with their dogs without them being on lead! Why would you do it?! It’s great...
Glad it all turned out to be ok. That must’ve been awful! Xx