Just a little vent if I may.. What an absolute rubbish couple of weeks I’ve had :mad: first Stanley got ill, I had to cancel my holiday, the...
Mummy gots ice cream so I said yes please. And she said no Stanley you’ve had a bad tummy, no Ice cream yet :eek: This is the worst day ever!...
You’ve officially reached crazy dog mam status when you have that many you need a van to transport them :cwl:
I know we say dogs don’t generally understand humans but I sometimes think Stanley understands English. Especially when I watch him with my Mam....
Someone stopped my MIL once by pulling up next to her and getting out of the car. He asked where she’d bought Stanley as he was looking for a gun...
[ATTACH] Happy smiley Stanley :inlove:
If someone stole Stanley I would be like Liam Neeson out of taken! No doubt in my mind! [ATTACH]
Does anyone here follow conversations with Nell on facebook? It’s about a black Labrador and her family and it always brightens up my day :D
Definitely not the eyebrows o_O I’m going to use @Emily suggestion and get some huge sunnies and I’ll throw on a cap for the next 4 weeks :D
I’ll get a picture when I get home from work :) He’s with my mam today and has apparently taken her gardening shoe hostage and is parading round...
Sending love! Hope Tilly is better soon xx
Happy birthday, Penny! Xx
I’ve been really poorly guys :( but I’m feeling much more like my normal self and am getting back to full bounce. Mummy has been looking after...
They’re all gorgeous but Zaba is :inlove: He looks so manly and tough!
We’ve been to the vets this morning and they think he seems completely fine. They’re happy for him not to have the endoscopy and think it was just...
I’ve got a complaint in with the firm at the minute. Once I get that response I can go to the ombudsman :)
Thanks :) id just never forgive myself if something happened to him. I’ve spoken to OH and he agrees with what we’re doing. Obviously, if...
Insurance won’t pay out. I’ve cancelled the treatment as he still seems to be improving. We’ve got a vet visit in the morning to check him over...
I think I’m going to rearrange his appointment as they’ve done a pre-authorisation claim to see if they’ll accept it and see what happens. He’s...
I’m trying to remain positive but it’s all just starting to take it’s toll now. Every single hurdle has felt like a marathon. I’ve lost half a...