[ATTACH] Me and my OH don’t even do it secretly! :D
We’ve made it through the night with no sickness. Hopefully this might be the start of him getting better (please please please) x
No they’ve ruled out pancreatitis and any liver/kidney problems. They’re leaning towards stomach ulcers/inflammation at the minute x
You really have to look for the humour in these things. He’s obviously really unsteady due to being sedated and is banging into things but the vet...
No I don’t think they did that. The tablets they’ve given us are for inflammation/ulcers. They’re confident there’s nothing in his bowel but...
They can’t find anything so have Just sent us home with more tablets. I have to go back on Friday but the next stage is to open him up for...
He’s out of the tests and in recovery. The receptionist couldn’t tell me much over the phone but I need to ring back in an hour to check the...
They’re keeping him in. Going to sedate him and do stomach scans and blood tests x
Thanks everyone. I’m in total panic mode now so the vets are getting crazy Doggy mam and I’m not leaving without some answers! Or I’m taking him...
He’s been sick again in the night :( just bile but he’s frantically trying to eat grass this morning. Back to the vets this morning.
Stanleys still a mini lab. Got weighed at the vets today and he weighs 25kg :D
He’s looking a bit skinny :( it’s scary how quickly they lose weight!! [ATTACH]
He’s been on the sunbed o_O
I’ve just checked on my camera and OH has gone out. Honestly, that man. He was in charge of my baby for one day! I should start calling him DH...