Thank you
I have to go and see the bum man for my ouchty tail :(. I dont like the bum man I give mum the sad labrador eyes when she takes me in.
Off to the vet tomorrow evening (earliest we could get an appointment!). They said in the meantime to try and bandage it, keep it clean and keep...
Do you remember what it was you bought?
I ve hurt my tail :(. Mum has put a big bandage on it and now it feels funny. It's really sore :(.
Alfie has managed to injure the end of his tail by wagging it too enthusiastically and banging it (happy tail). I have bandaged it up so when my...
Thank you The boy was just waiting for bus wearing school uniform. I think you guys are right maybe something seemed off that Alfie could tell...
A strange thing happened this morning. Alfie is the softest goofball of a dog I ve ever had and has never raised an eye brow at anything. This...
Alfie did this and it was because his teeth hurt. As soon as we soaked it in water he gobbled it up.
Alfie does this when you try and take him out for last wees. Just goes a dead weight on the sofa. Very annoying but very funny :)
Hehe it's dog training - learning tonbe calm in the pub lol. I spent a lot of time in cafes and pubs with Alfie 'training' him. :D
I'm so excited!!! Mum is packing! She told me we re going to the beach - I love the beach! She said we re going to have fish and chips and...
I'm no expert, and spent an awful lot of time worrying about my puppy, but I do remember Alfie being a bit uncoordinated when he was little. He...
We bought ourselves a Dyson v8 animal for Christmas which is excellent :)
my mum says her and my dad are having a paaaarty and I have to be on my best behaviour. Mum says there are going to be human puppies here so I...
My male working lab is only 25kg and 15 months old :). I like it as when he does something naughty people think he's just a puppy lol.
We thought it was a good idea to host a party at our house - 20 people, 2 10 month old babies and our 15 month old Labrador. What were we...
Still havent seen any sign of the baby wipe ..... he's eating drinking and pooping ok though. Mmmm
We have to check our blind spot every time we step backwards in the kitchen as Alfie's favourite place to lie is right behind you!