Labradors galore on our evening walk today. 10 of them all playing in the river together - was wonderful to watch them :)
Sigh I thought we were getting there with Alfie and his running up up to other dogs but he did it twice today (and I had cheese!). Back to the...
Does anyone try and sneak out of the living to the kitchen when they just need more water or to stir something so as not to disturb the dog?...
My mum was so weird this morning! She put on non-dog walking clothes then took me to the park we did our usual cheese for me doing weird things...
My mum is still messing with my paw!!! She keeps putting it in bowel of weird water, putting silly boots on it when we go out and, the worst...
The joy of trying to explain to your extra bouncy lively young labrador that in order for his paw to heel he needs to stay on the lead and not go...
He doesnt seem in too much pain at the moment - Hes currently watching supervet cuddled on blankets of the sofa. We ll see how he is tomorrow. We...
6.5 hours is a long time for a puppy to be alone! How old is she? Young pups can need to wee every 20 minutes. You need to organise someone to...
You are my hero My daddy once had to fish me out of the river. I wanted a swim but the bank was a bit steep and couldnt get out so i cried for my...
I ve hurt my paw :(. I caught my nail and it really hurt. I held it up for my mum to see and she took me to see the bum man and now my mum keeps...
Thanks both! I ve ordered the pawz rubber boots from Amazon and will bathe his foot every time we go out. Fingers crossed we can avoid infection!
Alfie tore one of his toe nails today, not clean off but enough to make it bleed and for him to hold it up:(. We ve been to the vets who've given...
One of my favourite quotes about the relationship and responsibility we owe our dogs - "The fidelity of a dog is a precious gift demanding no...
We take our dog to a gundog training group class every other week and are taught how to train our dog to work in a positive way. Alfie is...
Thats totally barbaric!! How could anyone do that!? :(
I ve heard good things about latchetts kennels in Keynsham but havent personally used them.
I was enjoying a lovely walk in the woods with Alfie when a big greyhound game sprinting up to him (he was walking at heel) growling and looking...
I feel cruel :(. Alfie wants to play outside in the sunshine but its too hot :(
Hehe yep I took one to show my OH :oops:
Are the joy of celebrating a solid poo!! What has my life become? lol :D