I am outraged! I left little pieces of my kong on the kitchen floor so I could snack on them later and my mum use the loud suck thing to move the...
My grandparents have had five labradors over the years (i hold them entirely responsible for me and my OH currently trying to raise a lab puppy...
when I die I'd like to come back as a spoilt well loved Labrador!! [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
I like cats :). They re like dogs, they run away from me so I will chase them but they never stop running to play bitey face :(. Mum always puts...
When do you think I ll be grown up so mum will buy me a new bed? :( I m ten months now....
I think I'm in trouble today too:(. My mum had a big test today so she left me in the kitchen and I'm not entirely sure what happened but my new...
We have just succumbed and purchased our first Dyson to deal with all Alfie's hair!!
Thank you!!
Morning To celebrate the new year Alfie stole a whole apple off the kitchen counter and ate the whole thing! I know apple seeds are poisonous to...
My mummy and daddy were raving about how good I ve been while we ve been staying at Grandmas. I thought I would prove just how amazing I am so,...
Hehe now at home in the warm with a lovely chocolate orange and a fluffy blanket :oops:
Is it wrong to use your puppy as an excuse not to go out to someones christmas drinks when you really you just want to stay in and cuddle him? :s
Is anybody elses mummy always loosing their toys? My mum is always loosing them and asking me to find them for her. I don't mind as I get a treat...
You re not alone! Alfie is 9.5 months and has lately developed all these opinions (lol) about how far away from us he should go, that mouthing...
Thank you for your responses - made me feel much better about the whole thing!! Time to up the treat value, re start the exercise and limit the...
Hi Alfie is nine months old and lovely most of the time; he walks fairly well to heel, will sit when told, will retrieve (if he isnt too...
Alfie had this and the vet said it should be fine but to watch for it being split (broken) by the adult tooth and that he would take it out if it...
Alfie is 9 months and lifts his leg on when it is a little wee - I think he struggles to balance and hold his leg if its a long wee lol
This would be amazing - labrador moulted hair slippers would be wonderful. Dragons den......
Thank you :)