Hi I was trying to proof my recall by recalling Alfie away from his food bowl so I put food in his bowl then gave my recall signal and he came to...
His personal favourite is to tell Alfie to 'sit down'. In Alfie world 'sit' and 'down' are two very different positions :L
When Alfie first came home I think my OH and I felt like a bomb had been dropped in the middle of our very comfortable life! I have to admit...
I love to chatting to Alfie - I think he probably knows enough about my masters course to sit my exams for me :L
Alfie didnt like down either - in the end peanut butter on my finger worked and then luring him down :)
Alfie height; 20 inches 54cm age: 7.5 months weight: 20.7 kg type: working
I currently prefer walking in the rain as it means there are less people and dogs about so I can relax when walking Alfie the Over Friendly...
I popped him in his crate went about my business left the room then popped back in and carried on with the washing up or whatever still giving him...
I did what edzbird said with Alfie; i d pop him in his crate with a kong when he was a bit tired in the kitchen then start to load the dishwasher...
In his defence I think the crate lifted up a section and he was messing about with the bed in his crate and managed to tear the lino that way...
Ahhhh well we were planning on tiling the floor anyway......
15. The right to follow you everywhere including the loo
I can say one brilliant thing about Alfie is he s made my OH and I much tidier people :L
Ps. There are some days when i take him to the park at the wrong time and he s run off a thousand times then pulled me round on the lead when i...
I feel exactly the same some days. Alfie isnt really a bad puppy at all but he has his days!! I come on here not just for advice but reassurance...
My puppy is the same age and for some reason has also started biting again too :(
At least, for the first couple of months anyway, when you put a baby down it ll still be in the same place when you get back :p lol
Have ordered it :)
Ninja cuddles ;)