Happy Birthday Fred - :cancan:.
I used a Perfect Fit when Ripple was younger as I wanted a back and front fastening for his lead. Now I use the Julius k9 with only a back...
I think it's best bought online here, my vets sell it but it's twice the price of Amazon :eek:.
So happy to hear Axel is on the mend :).
Oh how horrible for you - hoping for a positive update.
New trend on the forum coming up :D.
Does this apply in Scotland? - often things are different here. Is this quite a recent law? - I knew about the micro chipping but not the puppy's...
Good grief that's shocking @SwampDonkey .
I was pressurised into picking Ripple up at 7 weeks, I was very unhappy about it as we had originally been told 8 weeks. For reasons I won't go...
Ripple has his lamb heart raw. He has one heart for his evening meal about once a fortnight - I do chop it up a bit as I have visions of him...
Poor Moo :( - all fingers crossed.
I just don't understand why the vet would allow the owners to make that decision for the dog to be pts, why aren't other solutions offered? :(
I expect so, but there's bound to be lots of 'must haves' :D.
I seem to remember sicking up bile can be hunger - I expect some one will be along soon with some good advice :).
Oh lovely, I haven't been for years - it's a long way from Scotland. No tips I'm afraid (apart from get your credit card at the ready :D) , but...
Sometimes it would seem so, I think we stress one another. Other times it's like he's totally switched off to anything else - not dissimilar to...
Totally agree. Also I can see my stress destroying my relationship with Ripple. He will also consume huge amounts of twigs and wood on our walks...
OH always says coffee makes him go :D
@Jojo83 we've done the magic word thing and found the same as you. I'm currently using a long line or sometimes a muzzle but I like to let Ripple...
But of course if he'd really had cctv he'd have known it wasn't me. It just makes me so angry it's bad enough out in the fields and parks but so...