Spaying certainly prevents pyometra. Have a chat with your vet as to the best time to spay, and don't be pressured by what others think.
Keeping everything crossed for you xx
At 7 months, he's still only young & will have plenty more growth and filling out yet, but may not reach as much as 60lb given his mix. Our Meg is...
Have a look at this really useful thread for dogs on restricted exercise, there's loads to do to keep Drogo busy....
Hooray for your boy being rescued. Lucky lad now has you to take care of his diet and exercise and with time and work he will get back to a...
Contrary beasts that they are! Well done.
It does sound as if she's growling to tell you she doesn't like something. I would stop the children picking her up straight away. Teach them how...
My 2 are both neutered. My young bitch (2.5 yrs) humps my older lad (4.5 yrs) when they are playing. He's not keen (and me, human, does not like...
My two eat Skinner's Duck & Rice, and they both also have a cheap wet food (Winalot for Coco & Cesar for Meg). They both have the occasional and...
god I call my dogs names all the time! It in no way affects my superb relationship with them. I would go as far as to say they are terms of...
I can only offer one side - we have had 4 adult dogs through adoption, bonding is definitely not a problem. It comes so easily for me...I am a...
Lots of noisy praise and play eg with a ball, a tuggie, jumping on over things - anything my dog loves, keeping it upbeat.
My dogs ALWAYS get a good treat or a big party for a recall and often get released to go back to what they were doing. It NEVER signifies...
Both mine do this occasionally. It starts with a little paw or leg licking then moves to bed licking. It LOOKS like it's a comforting thing, but...
How long have you been using the omega 3 fish oil? This cured our old Lab Scooby, who came to us with dreadful dandruff & a smelly coat. He had...
For me there's no problem with tennis balls, used lightly as @Ski-Patroller suggests. They are cheap and plentiful. We have a huge variety of...
A lovely post @labl0ver. I'll take 52 weeks a year with my dogs over any overseas holiday every time.
I am struggling with our "new" dog, Meg. At the moment I am putting the paste on my thumb and rubbing that over her teeth and gums. Each time I...
Not a sock, but Coco will chomp down kelp stems if he gets a chance - turns out they are indigestible and tend to make an appearance 7 days later....
Nice and simple to remember, thanks :)