I don't mind a stranger giving Coco a treat as long as they ask first. This gives me a chance to settle him, warn them he might snatch etc. I...
I'd be inclined to opt for a cone and give the foot a chance to air. Hope Kevin is back to his old self soon.
With love xx
Your boy's pedigree papers will tell you what he is. Does he have mainly field or show types in his ancestry?
I've never used a crate, nor have I had a puppy(!) but I think popping him in his crate for a sleep after play would be just fine. Puppies do get...
What a shock. So glad Cooper has recovered. We will be careful.
She means that you would win EVERYTHING becuz you are sooooo handsome Pongo. - Coco
OK OK OK I'm so excited - I did win 2 blue rosettes yesterday. I went in a fun dog show and mum said we should have had red ones...but blue looks...
Hi Fergus! The water is lovely and warm....Rory is such a wise dog. - Coco
So sorry you find yourself in this horrible situation. You must do what you feel is right for your pup, it is no-one else's right to tell you....
I like Above and Beyond. How exciting for you :D
We moved house with Belle a couple of times. We didn't fuss or do anything special, she just moved with us & was happy because we were there. She...
Probably not for a puppy, but when your dog is grown I 100% recommend the Haqihana harness. It only has a back fastening, but it is so well...
Oh gosh we have a few different recall signals, mixing them up keeps them fresh. I must admit, I have't used a touch, but yes..I can see me adding...
fantastic news x
I am so sorry for you loss. You did a brave thing for your beloved girl, she relied on you at this time and you didn't let her down. My heart goes...
Just to give you a bit of sympathy. We got Coco when he was 16 months old. Total untrained nightmare, and I fell onto my back or my face most...
Bonnie should, indeed, be back to full craziness 2 weeks after her spay. Attaching a house line to her collar is a good idea, it will help you...
That's fine..you'll both learn loads by making mistakes as you go along and grow and bond together x
I would check for a urine infection firstly. Maybe she's crying because she does actually need to wee.