Heart in my mouth reading this - your poor dad and poor Ruby. Well done for finding her. Really feel for your dad and the agony he must have gone...
Happy 4th Birthday Coco :cake:
My 11 year old Lab does pant more as she’s got older - it is quite noisy sometimes. Also the hotter weather naturally makes her pant more. She is...
You haven’t had a thunderstorm that’s spooked him? I know some areas of the UK have had violent thunder, lightening and rain. Just a thought.
I think the ‘scatter’ approach could be the answer. This morning in the garden, Red was fetching me big stones and lumps of soil. Initially I...
Yup. Red
Ooh Cassie, I made Mumsie larf yesterday. Daddy Hooman was chasing me in the garden doing his grizzly bear thing :rolleyes:. I got the zooms. I...
Red is always keen to play with Sky. I feel a bit sorry for her as Sky most of the time just doesn’t want to (old age, arthritis, just not...
Thank you @Boogie - I am going to try the high value treat in the garden when she has lumps of soil. I think that could work. DH took freeze dried...
Red is approaching 18 months. This past month she has had her spay and has recovered from that. The patch on her leg that she licked badly has...
I really hope so - you have had a grim few weeks :hug:.
Welcome from me and my two Labs - Sky and Red.
I remember the leaf blower incident and my heart was in my mouth reading this post. Thank goodness for the whistle :).
I try to :D but I gave in yesterday - it’s having both of them staring hard at me - weird. When we just had Sky, her afternoon meal got earlier...
Oh how horrible - :hug: to you all.
Belated birthday wishes to Penny. Hope she had a lovely day :cake:.