Yes I identify with this :rolleyes:.
Hope Stanley has been ok overnight and the vet to the vet today can shed a light on why he has been sick.
My fingers are bruised and I feel very sore in a few places - definitely fragile this morning. It’s scary really at how quickly these things...
Great place - we spent a week there with Sky few years back. The Cinder Track (old railway line) is a fabulous walk. We loved it.
What an uplifting post @MF :).
These dogs are such a worry aren’t they - they certainly put us through the wringer at times? Hope you can find out why he is being erratically...
Beautiful afternoon here - DH and I decide to go to a Village fete - next Village to ours. Take both dogs. Fete is on the Village Green - idyllic...
Sky has not wanted to go out on either of the walks DH does daily for a couple of days. Therefore I have started taking her out on her own. She is...
Thank you for this @selina27 - it really helps me to know 3 months down the line all is ok with Cassie and you. I know it was the right decision...
Enjoy :).
Yes I did think should I get one but I think she is gradually accepting this now - albeit reluctantly. I have just put it back on after our...
Day 2 of the cone: Slightly resigned to it - crying on and off and still standing still for long periods of time but subtle little changes - she...
Last year, I took my puppy out twice a night. This gradually reduced to once a night and by 18 weeks, she slept all night. I had to judge the...
Sorry @JenBainbridge, I have no ideas but hope it stops.
Aah @alschwahn this is such a lovely post. I love your honesty. Aspen looks a great dog. Well done. :heart:
Sorry @SwampDonkey - your grief is very raw and painful. Moo sounds like she had a great life with you. I think that is one of the mist powerful...
I have tied it on using a very soft bandage and threaded it through her collar.
Red will have to get used to it. I just hate hearing her cry - she is such a lovely girl. We just need to get into a temporary routine of it being...