Welcome, @Bindu :). Panting is a sign of distress/pain. Drinking water every 30mins sounds excessive. You should take her to a vet immediately,...
As long as the study has been internally validated through robust statistical analysis, it is a good model to use. On the plus side, with just...
Firstly, are you really happy with your dog walker? :cool: She may be lovely, but, you are paying her to take care of your dog. I ask this...
Hi Dot, and a warm welcome to the forum from the Beanwood gang :)
So here is your ingredient list. Fairly standard for a mid range grain free kibble. Nothing really wrong with it. Roughly 47% meat (chicken) Not...
Hi @RyanRJ, welcome to the forum and thank you for the interesting link! I also have a chocolate labrador and 2 black labs. I have also fostered...
COI's are critical. Just as important, maybe more so than hip/elbows scores, eyes, etc....that though is just my opinion. I am seeing some top...
Hi and welcome. It sounds like a bit more than a sprain I'm afraid. As the initial injury was the source of her behaviour changes I suspect she...
I am so terribly sorry...:hug:
Michael, I am so, so sorry :hug:
Hi @Mikerh and a warm welcome to the forum! :) Chipper sounds like a character, and we would love to see photos. See the link below re: how to...
Hi @tegan schmidt, no idea! :) So much depends on the genetics of the dogs. Meaning, if the breeder has been breeding dogs like in the photos for...
Hi @Rosalie, and welcome to the forum. Trying to judge whether a puppy is too thin purely through age and weight alone is very difficult....
No, I don't use coats here either! Even when working/training them in the rain and even snow. I do use Ruff and Tumble drying coats though. I pat...
Lincoln you are such a clever chap! You are both doing so well, it's great to hear! :)
Well, this isn't an area I have expertise in, so your vet will be the best person to talk too.:) Probably be best though to keep her inside or in...
That's great news! Tilly sounds like a lovely, bold pup. Should be some fun time ahead...:D;)
He is gorgeous! Lovely photos :)
Hi and welcome to the forum! :) Sorry, I don't have experience in the implant for bitches, however, I have used the Suprelorin implant in my...
How is the wee pup this morning @JuliePenguin? Hope you managed to get some sleep last night! :)