This I find interesting, as my response would actually be the opposite, I would keep my puppy on puppy food, as long as it is puppy designed for...
Personally if she will eat wet food then that's fine! It will blow over soon. I would however, keep her calm, make sure on a walk she has positive...
You ask a very good question @Sigurd. We have 3 labs, and whilst 2 of our dogs we can trust completely the 3rd one is a horror for nicking things,...
Hi @Elle M, I can see where your vet is coming from, sweet potatoes contain carbs and 100g = 87 calories so although low, you could swap in...
I agree, and would get her checked over at the vet. If she is significantly slower and more lethargic in general, for example, what is she like in...
It depends on not just the hips scores..I am presuming here you are intending to test for elbows and the full range of health tests including...
There are a few things here to think about....firstly shouting at a dog is pretty may seem like it is working, but Daisy is only...
Enalapril is a heart medicine used in humans to reduce blood pressure. Enalapril (an ACE inhibitor) also relieves the pressure on the heart, so it...
Hi and welcome @Regan, do you have a crate for your puppy? It is always good for puppy to have somewhere private and quiet to rest, and where...
Hi Diane, you are very welcome! Love to see photos of your Doberman :)
Hi and welcome from the Beanwood gang! :)
This is very strange, especially as her high level of anxiety is related to inside the house only. One of the issues I can see, is that this...
Hi @diane mooney and welcome to the forum! Sounds like you are doing a great job with your girl, how old is she now? :)
Welcome from the Beanwood gang! :)
Sorry your dog has broken his toe! That must be painful for him. Poor lad. Really, if you don't want him chewing the splint/dressing then a cone...
Difficult to really see with your photo. As Tom suggests it could have been damaged as a puppy or a genetic defect. What does your vet think it...
@ciera just wanted to offer my support, seriously adolescent dogs can be such a handful! Really they can...I am fostering one at the moment, and...
Welcome to the forum @Nigel23, and well done for taking on a rescue, especially one with HD. :) I am presuming the HD was diagnosed with an...
Well firstly I wouldn't be taking a 13 week old pup to a very busy park. It is simply too much stimulus for them. Secondly, I really, really would...