I've removed your email address, not because it breaks any protocols, but because publishing emails in plain text on public websites opens you up...
Ask what environment the puppies will be brought up in. How will they be habituated to different sights, sounds, textures etc. Will there be any...
For these things to work, you really need your dog to be in the "pre-worry" stage. Once they've hit that point where they're concerned about...
We have bleached skulls all over our land. I think they are deer and, yes, often have teeth. Squidge is forever finding them! The worst was the...
It takes into account not just the parents' hip scores, but all scores that have been registered in related dogs - any progeny, siblings and...
She's such a lady! Squidge (most definitely NOT a lady!) would have blasted through the fence like the hippo she is and fetched it back :D
Hello and welcome to the forum, and thanks for a very thoughtful post. Hopefully Pippa @editor will come along with her thoughts at some point....
And that's why we start easy and make them harder - and why kongs are brilliant for helping dogs learn about tenacity, perseverance and delayed...
My lot have their hackles up really often and can mean they're excited as much as it does they're on edge. In fact, I see it more when they're...
Hello and welcome to the forum. This is pretty normal puppy behaviour. The good news is that it sounds like it's predictable with Ollie in that it...
Haha, nope! The wine itself is actually blue. It's not this one (because dessert wine, ick!), but very similar in colour:...
If you really think that there's a problem, I would use management and keep the toys to interactive play only, so they are only out when you are...
OK, my first question would be, is there any sign that he's actually upset? My dogs nick each other's toys all the time and it's perfectly normal!...
We have a bottle of BLUE wine in our house! I've not been brave enough to try it yet :cwl:
If you are always giving him attention, he will learn that that's the norm. Some puppies need to be taught how to switch off - I've had those...
Behaviour that is reinforced will be repeated. He is reinforcing himself by finding food in the bin and on surfaces. So, you need to use...
I do this. I roast a whole chicken, pull the meat off and stick it in a bag in the freezer, then grab a bit each day. It works well.
Here, this is the clicker I use. I have several of them. You can also buy it on Amazon:...
Sorry, no-one will be able to offer any advice until we get pictures. Apologies, our hands are tied.
I’ll dig out a link tomorrow for my favourite clicker - or has a rubber ring that slots over a finger do you don’t need to hold on to it per se...