If you have a spare few dollars, this video might be of use to you: it's Leslie McDevitt's pattern games. It's quite old now, and the production...
Stick him in his crate with a Kong and pour yourself a large glass of wine. That's why crates were invented. And why most puppy parents are...
All of mine are different. Shadow is a definite dropper. Willow delicately licks, Squidge chews and slurps - and makes the BIGGEST foamy puddles...
No with your travels, it'd be immortal travelling intercontinental dogs! :D Hmmm, can you imagine Paul on an aeroplane? Sorry if I gave you...
Quite often poo that starts normal and ends soft is caused by overfeeding. With only a handful of exceptions, the labels on the packets tend to...
As luck would have it, so I don't have to write out one of my infamous oh-too-long-can't-you-just-be-concise-for-once-in-your-life essays, a blog...
I give three to four pumps a day which is the level needed to keep Willow's coat shiny. They also get sardines and other oily fish to eat.
When my puppy was brand new, I would do two or three "training sessions" of about a minute to two minutes every day. But, in all honesty, most of...
With my latest pup, I just made it really rewarding being with me. From day one, we built a strong reinforcement history that being with me was...
I'm hungree. Mum says it's twirly for lunch even though I gave her kisses. I don't like twirly. Twirly doesn't fill my tummy. I wonder when twirly...
Adding distraction as Joy said is great, and there is also precision, duration and distance to add, as well as combining behaviours. Can you ask...
Because they don’t have wine in Spain?! :cwl: We do, you know, and it’s far better than that French muck. #controversial ;)
Yes, when your puppy is overtired no amount of training is going to get through to him. So a timeout as a consequence would also be pointless....
I saw this on Facebook and couldn't resist sharing. [ATTACH] Foul-mouthed Fido has an alternative version. Fair warning: IT IS RUDE. DON'T...
I agree with Lisa, that giving a toy to redirect biting rather than a "time out" is actually a far more solid strategy, sorry to say. Your puppy...
Hi there, I'm sorry that such bad news brings you to the forum, but I'm afraid anything we put here would be just guesses, which do no-one any...
I like that analogy! Taking it one step further, if you're forced into that room, you may eventually fall asleep out of sheer exhaustion, but are...
As @Leanne82 has said, yelping can actually wind the puppy up into more excitement. You are absolutely not fooling your puppy into thinking...
My boy Shadow sounds similar to Lucius; he's always on much higher alert when I'm not around compared to when I am. He's a naturally nervy boy,...
:cwl: Daft sausage!