That's so kind @5labs . @Punga I'm at the other end of the country from 5Labs - in East Sussex - and if you are near me I'd be happy to lend a...
You need a well-fitting harness as it's possible for a puppy to damage its throat by pulling on a lead attached to a collar. (Obviously you train...
There is this from the Dogs Trust in the UK (which includes Euonymous. listed under its common name of European Spindle) but of course it may not...
I would carry on in the same room as it will simply reinforce the link in your dog's mind between whistle and food which is what you want.
@Helen Biggs I wouldn't think you needed to put a lead on a 10 week old puppy - you can just encourage them to follow you around the garden....
@Paula Maguire Hi to your seven-month Molly from my seven-year-old Molly. In response to your question about training your dog to sit until...
There is a thread of ideas from several years ago which you may find useful. I hope your puppy's injury heals well....
I agree with the comments above and would definitely not hand your puppy over for a group puppy party. The best thing you can do is to carry your...
@Apupalypse Now! Yes those are the sort of thing I meant. In the UK you can buy them from Pets At Home (a pet store) and they're fairly cheap....
I suspect your puppy is biting at the shoes you are actually wearing as a way of engaging with you. Try to make sure that you have frequent, short...
This is probably not what you want to hear, but I would get up earlier! I consider 7am to be a very reasonable waking time for a puppy/young dog...
I would get a vet check if this has suddenly happened as it could be a problem with a tooth or other health issue. Another possibility if he's an...
Puppia is a nice soft brand for a puppy and it is a 'Y' shape which is better than ones with a horizontal strap across the chest. You definitely...
Can you give us an idea of your dog's daily routine? I think that perhaps a change in the structure of his day, with appropriate physical and...
Yes things will get better! However there are almost certainly things you can do to make things get better more quickly. If you post explaining...
How about training a nose touch to the palm of your hand? When your dog is secure with this (with your hand in different positions) then you can...
Oh yes, Molly still adores plastic bottles aged seven!As a puppy we often used to play with things washed up on the beach (we live just a couple...
Games where your puppy interacts with you are good, such as tug. Another idea is to bowl a treat between your legs so your puppy runs towards you...
Well done on deciding to train Bodhi. The program described in Total Recall works extremely well, although of course like any training program it...
Keep persevering and eventually it will transfer to 'real-life' situations too, it just takes a while.