Two thoughts about this: Firstly I would stop wrestling things from your puppy's mouth (obviously unless it is something immediately dangerous)....
It is very normal for pups to need a lot of attention at this age/stage and I agree with Edp that digging at the carpet sounds as if he is bored....
Great to read your update @Soozeq . You have obviously put a lot of time and effort into training your dogs and have well-deserved success.
I do a range of different things. We live in the UK near Downland, rivers, forest and the sea which means off-lead walks twice a day, every day....
Flynn looks an absolute poppet! I would suggest having a different bed in each room he is allowed to go in. (Doesn't need to be a crate or an...
@Usman You certainly shouldn't feel guilty. You are being responsible and doing the best for the puppy and your own mental health. A person who...
I'm now retired (hooray!) but for much of my working life I walked previous dogs in the dark (mornings and evenings - someone else walked them...
I commend you for being so honest about how you feel. However I think it would be better to return the puppy to the breeder for permanent rehoming...
Assuming your parents are happy to have a puppy in their house, I think the move will be good for you - it will be easier to take the puppy out to...
Some dogs can be sensitive to chicken, so if your puppy was doing well on the salmon and potato I'd put her back on that, or choose another brand...
I think she's probably ready to start the day! 6am doesn't sound that early to me for a puppy, especially if they've been asleep since 10 / 10.30...
I love the name Yogi. I always think I feel much better when I can get out and about and you sound happier. She will gradually sleep longer in the...
It's safer for your puppy to have a lead attached to a harness rather than a collar as then if he pulls he will not hurt his neck.
@iain noblett Puppies are hard work but try to look ahead and imagine how different it will be in a month, 6 months, a year, 18 months etc. Tell...
I'm sorry you're having a tough time with Kobe. As Sarah says above it's very common at this age and really he's just trying to get engagement...
It sounds as if you are doing a great job and Sully is progressing extremely well. I don't see why you need to train hand signals unless they will...
I'm glad you had a better night. When she feels secure there is no reason why you can't change things to have her back downstairs at night if you...
It's difficult to know why Poppy has suddenly developed anxiety about being left alone - it could be that she felt unwell after her vaccination,...
I'm so sorry. It's heartbreaking when we have to let them go. I hope all your happy memories of Glen bring you comfort.
Hello! I'm also in East Sussex - lots of lovely places to walk Poppy when she's old enough.