This was a lovely post to read. You sound so sensitive to your dog's needs that I'm sure you're going to build a wonderful relationship.
It might help you to reframe this in your mind not as demanding attention but as seeking a relationship. Puppies need lots of attention and I...
I don't think this site should allow adverts for aversive dog barking deterrents (called 'Pet Gentle'!) I would have messaged this to admin...
You can get Zeus used to the sounds by playing firework videos (plenty on Youtube). Keep the volume low to start with and gradually increase. You...
I think you might be in the USA (mom / mum) but in the UK there is a charity called the Cinnamon Trust who you can contact and arrange to take...
I've had three dogs from puppies and one adult rescue and they have all started out in my room next to my bed so that I could reassure them in the...
I would suggest an ammonia-free cleaner, such as Simple Solution. I think a four month old may still need to wee more than once an hour and for...
Saying 'ow' is bad advice in my opinion. It works with some puppies and some people - it works if the puppy is startled or alarmed. Your puppy...
I'm glad that you interact with your dog @Lucy Hopkins and that you are happy together. In your post you said that 'completely ignoring him when...
@Poppy2606 Try taking a toy that you keep just for the walk home and give it to your dog to carry as soon as you clip the lead back on to head...
He's gorgeous and it sounds as if you are doing really well. I may be looking at the photo incorrectly, but is the seat belt attached to his...
Don't leave your puppy to cry. Puppies, the same as human babies, need their emotional as well as physical needs met. I can't remember who I...
@Diablo I'm sorry that you're finding life with Dexter so difficult. It's great that you've contacted a trainer, but do ensure that they are a...
The only study that I have found (and I searched very thoroughly when my current dog was a pup) is the one by Krontveit et al. (The abstract of...
Puppies are hard work - a bit like having a new-born human- but they do grow up a lot more quickly than the human baby! It must be more demanding...
If you decide that you do want to cue 'look at me', then I would mark it (with either 'Good' or 'Yes' or a clicker) but not say 'Good look at me'....
There is an excellent series of videos on YouTube on loose lead walking. The detailed plan starts just under a minute in to the first video. There...
@Rose0311 If your dog is waking in the middle of the night full of beans then perhaps have a look at your daily routine and see if your dog is...
Please don't use a pinch collar on your dog and I would stop taking the advice of a trainer who suggests things that cause pain. You can train a...
Have a look at this series of videos - there are three of them and you need to watch them in order to get the complete training picture. [MEDIA]