Re: Puppy #2 Jaws?
Re: 17 weeks & the biting is nearly gone. Nope. Sorry to disapoint.
Re: How much does your puppy weigh? I have just looked back through my posts & Bouncer was 6.6kg at 10 weeks, but he does look like he is gona...
Re: Great heel walk round the woods DRIED SPRATTS, are your friend, they are a very high value treat & dont go off. Unlike liver cake or hotdog....
Re: wet wet wet! Bouncer hated the rain at first, then it dawned on him, "hold on I have a waterproof coat" now he loves it.
Bouncer is 17 weeks old tomorow. My wife just said "have you noticed he doesnt bite us hardly at all now". I must say I hadnt noticed but now she...