Re: drooling when on walks I have never had this problem with Bouncer. But it does sound quite common.
Re: Eeekk puppies really do eat anything Pleas please please tell me his long name is wellington?
Re: Bringing a puppy home unassisted ahhhhhhhhh, very cute, but wait, what is that I hear? da daa, da daa, dum dum dum dum dum (that is the jaws...
Re: Dentastix As already has been said Dentastix a great, just not for a geneticly engineered eating machine. Try a carrot instead. Cheap &...
Re: Male lab puppy keeps humping cushions Bouncer used to have a great big stuuffed rabbit that he used to take into the garden & hump, but that...
Re: Vets opinions differ on Vaccination schedule Yes, an awful lot depends on geopraphical area.
Re: Whites of eyes Ok Willow, what did you do just before the inocent look?
Re: Bringing a puppy home unassisted ahhhhhhhh, adorable. i love the puppy velvet paws. Wish they stayed like that for ever. I bet you car...
Re: Tucking puppy up at night not exactly "tucked in" but that is my seat so obviously Bouncer has now claimed it. [IMG]
Re: Night time sleeping you all sound like you are doing a great job. Dont worry Labs are very very fast learners. You will find that very soon...
Re: The destruction of beds .... Bouncer isnt interested in destroying squeeker toys wher as my last do Spike went out of his way to remove...
Re: Whites of eyes You dont see it normaly, its only when they have "crazy eyes" or tummy rub time.
Re: Eeekk puppies really do eat anything He was fine apart from extended crazy time.
Re: Whites of eyes Bouncers whites are also very very white. Unlike mine.
Re: Eeekk puppies really do eat anything Bouncer once ate an old teabag, I found the remains all over the kitchen floor. I can honestly say...
Re: Happy Birthday Piper Great Pictures & happy birthday young lady.
Re: Barking. "Play with me"
Re: The destruction of beds .... oh dear, Rue has discovered the delights of bed destruction. It is very common & not somthing you have done...
Re: My puppys changing colour! Looks like she is loosing the puppy coat & gaining her grown up one.
Re: Watching tennis Bouncer doesnt even notice the TV. He is too busy pinching interesting stuff from the living room.